(Washinton Examiner) Pregnancy help organizations have been a lifeline for women in need for over half a century. Whether through pregnancy resource centers, medical clinics, or maternity homes, these organizations have provided care, compassion, and support to countless women and families. Yet, a troubling trend has emerged: the legacy media’s consistent neglect, or outright misrepresentation, of these organizations and their impact.
This oversight is particularly glaring when contrasted with the overwhelmingly positive feedback these organizations receive. Year after year, pregnancy help organizations achieve satisfaction ratings exceeding 95% from their clients, women who have experienced their care firsthand. Despite this, a significant portion of media coverage paints a negative picture, often relying on the perspectives of individuals or groups with open hostility toward pregnancy help centers. Alarmingly, many of these sources are connected to the abortion industry, a conflict of interest that is rarely disclosed.
Meanwhile, the voices of women who have been genuinely helped are ignored. At annual banquets and community events across the country, mothers share powerful testimonies of how pregnancy help organizations supported them during their most challenging times. These stories are heartfelt, accessible, and readily available online for any journalist willing to look.
This pattern of selective reporting takes us back to the era of yellow journalism, where ideology trumped integrity and narratives were shaped to fit a predetermined agenda. Such practices are not only unfair; they are dangerous. They obscure the truth and deprive women of vital information about the resources available to them.
The truth is straightforward: Millions of women and families benefit from the services provided by pregnancy help organizations each year. These services range from pregnancy tests and ultrasounds to parenting classes, housing support, and even material assistance such as diapers and clothing. By ignoring these contributions, media outlets do a disservice to the organizations and the women who rely on their support.
Tweet This: Millions of women and families benefit from the services provided by pregnancy help organizations each year.
Journalism should be rooted in a commitment to inform and educate, not to dictate opinion. When ideology dictates coverage, it leaves women with fewer resources and a distorted understanding of their options. This is a betrayal of the public trust and a failure of journalism’s core mission.
If reporters are truly interested in telling a mother’s full story, countless testimonies are available from women who have courageously shared their experiences to inspire and inform others. These voices deserve to be heard, and their stories deserve to be told.
For those who seek to highlight the incredible work of pregnancy help organizations, I invite you to explore the testimonies of mothers these services have affected. Their storiesare more than inspiring; they are a testament to the life-changing, life-affirming work happening every day across the country.
Editor's note: This article was published by the Washington Examiner and is reprinted with permission.