The highly disturbing, deadly truth
(Council for Life) Abortion continues to dominate our news and conversation. Council for Life continues to prioritize reporting the life news happening across our nation, world and Texas.
This highly disturbing story is taking place in our North Texas community in a Dallas neighborhood right in our own backyard.

The First Unitarian Church of Dallas recently opened a new "Truth Pregnancy Resource Center" (TPRC) to provide abortion counseling and resources. TPRC strategically located its center just doors down from pregnancy resource center and long-time Council for Life beneficiary Bloom Pregnancy Help Center (formerly Birth Choice of Dallas).
As chillingly stated on the First Unitarian Church of Dallas website and TPRC's website, Truth Pregnancy Resource Center:
"aims to provide comprehensive, compassionate, and culturally just reproductive counseling services to pregnant persons in Dallas, Texas. The TPRC is established on the foundation of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas’s long-standing commitment to reproductive rights and freedoms."
[Click here to subscribe to Pregnancy Help News!]
An integral part of TPRC's mission is unequivocally to provide abortion resources to women.
Tweet This: An integral part of the mission of "Truth Pregnancy Resource Center" is unequivocally to provide abortion resources to women.

Background on strategic placement of Bloom Pregnancy Help Center, Southwestern Women's Surgery Center and First Unitarian Church of Dallas

Bloom strategically placed its life-affirming pregnancy resource center at the corner of Greenville Avenue and Royal Lane in the same business complex close to Southwestern Women's Surgery Center, which at the time was the area's leading surgical abortion provider, including late term abortions.
Southwestern Women's Surgery Center was founded by Dr. Curtis Boyd in 2009. An ordained minister, Boyd is an infamous abortionist who shamelessly asked "Am I killing? Yes, I am. I know that” and admits there is no set limit on the age of unborn babies he will kill. See Catholic News Agency article HERE and Live Action article HERE)

Trained sidewalk counselors from CFL Beneficiary Catholic pro-life community and other pro-life organizations would faithfully in rain or shine hold prayer vigils outside Southwestern Women's Surgery Center. They lovingly encouraged scared, desperate abortion minded women and men about to walk in the doors of Southwestern Women's Surgery Center to find compassionate medical care and vital resources for them and their baby at Bloom just a few doors down. They provided referrals for post-abortion healing to those leaving.

Eight years ago First Unitarian Church of Dallas CEO and Senior Minister Daniel Kanter created a multi faith chaplaincy program for chaplains to go to Southwestern Women's Surgical Center to provide affirmation to women receiving abortions there.

Dobbs: the game Changer that shuttered Southwestern Women's Surgery Center
Then nearly two years ago, the abortion world changed dramatically with the Dobbs decision. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade ending a nearly 50 year federal constitutional right to abortion and Texas along with other states banned abortion. Southwestern Women's Surgery Center and other abortion providers in our state were forced to close completely or relocate to another state where abortion remained legal.
With the enactment of Texas' Heartbeat Bill and then abortion ban, Kanter pivoted his chaplaincy program to a travel program. He has been organizing trips for groups of women seeking abortions to the sister facility Southwestern Women's Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico also founded by Curtis Boyd. New Mexico has some of the most permissive abortion laws in the U.S and has become a destination for pregnant women wanting to abort their child, including Texan Kate Cox. (See Council for Life News HERE and HERE)
Operation Rescue revealed that Boyd's clinic Southwestern Women's Options in New Mexico provides late term, third trimester abortions funded by federal taxpayer dollars for both healthy babies and those diagnosed with a disability such as Down syndrome. (See Operation Rescue articles HERE and HERE)
First Unitarians want to "fill the resource vacuum"

Tweet This: First Unitarian Church of Dallas seeks to "fill the resource vacuum" from closed abortion centers and "foil" pregnancy help centers.
As reported by The Dallas Morning News, the First Unitarian Church of Dallas' opening of TPRC is in direct response to the Texas abortion ban to "fill the resource vacuum" left when abortion clinics closed and "foil" the efforts of life-affirming pregnancy resource centers like Bloom.
“This is a little bit of redemption for [former Southwestern Women’s staff] and none of this is really about me at all. It’s about the opportunity to do good in the world, to have a church say that this issue around reproductive dignity matters.”
— Daniel Kanter,
Senior Minister, First Unitarian Church of Dallas
The Dallas Morning News article confirms First Unitarian Church of Dallas' continued partnership with an abortion fund to fly women seeking an abortion from North Texas to Albuquerque.
Tweet This: First Unitarian Church-Dallas has a continued partnership with an abortion fund to fly women seeking abortion from Texas to Albuquerque.
The Dallas Morning News goes on to discuss "crisis pregnancy centers" and points to research from the American College of Obstetricians Gynecologists (ACOG) that "has shown the centers can offer medically inaccurate information." (See Dallas Morning News articles HERE and HERE)
ACOG advocates abortion as "essential health care" and the importance "that people understand their options and know their resources— including how to recognize and avoid facilities, such as crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), run by people who operate unethically and with the intention to dissuade, deter, or prevent them from seeking certain reproductive health care options." (See ACOG Issue Brief on CPCs HERE and Abortion is Essential Health Care article HERE)
Please pray
Please pray for the truth to be revealed to Truth Pregnancy Resource Center, Southwestern Women's Options and all abortion providers about the humanity of the unborn child and the lasting harm of abortion to women, men and families.
Please pray for the truth to be revealed to vulnerable mothers facing an unplanned pregnancy that compassionate care and vital resources are available for them to choose life for their unborn baby.
Please pray for the transformation of hearts and minds so the killing of unborn babies will stop.
Editor's note: Lee Anne Morris is Executive Director for Council for Life; Suzanne Everbach is the group's Director of Communication and Philanthropy. This article was published by Council for Life and is reprinted with permission.