When Natalie (a pseudonym) and her boyfriend experienced an unplanned pregnancy, they seriously considered abortion. However, after visiting FirstLook – A Sexual Health & Pregnancy Center and seeing the ultrasound of their unborn child, the couple changed their minds and embraced parenthood.
The unborn child’s grandfather had encouraged the couple to visit the pregnancy medical clinic, where he is now a donor and a board member. He was invited by the Cowboy Church of Ellis County to share the story about his grandchild’s life saved from abortion on the Sunday the church began participating in FirstLook’s 2024 Baby Bottle Drive.
During the next five weeks, the congregation, participating in the fundraising campaign for the first time, raised more than $42,000.
Twenty-one other churches in the area also participated in the Baby Bottle Drive during the first half of the year, said FirstLook’s Donor Relations Director Alisha Woodall.
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The pregnancy help medical clinic’s bottle campaign takes place throughout the year with different churches participating at different times, Woodall said.
“We try to tie it in with a theme or holiday. There’s no wrong time to have a baby bottle drive,” she said. "Baby bottle drives are a wonderful way to reach new people in the community, whether that be new volunteers, clients, or donors.”
A unique baby bottle fundraising drive
The Cowboy Church made their campaign unique, calling it ‘Moo-lah for Life.’ A center volunteer who attends the church developed new ideas for the 2024 campaign and generated excitement at the church, Woodall said.
“She had a different theme each week, including a diaper cake, and she maintained a table at the church each of the five weeks,” she told Pregnancy Help News.
"Pregnancy centers have been doing baby bottle drives for decades, and we were excited to share with other centers how this church thought outside the box,” said FirstLook’s CEO Donna Young. “The Cowboy Church in our town collected their coins in 67 calf bottles and delivered 1,500 pounds of coins to our center in the bucket of a tractor!"
A giant check bearing the amount given from cash and checks was attached to the side of the tractor. The center opened its doors for tours and served refreshments.
"Our church has a heart for missions, and we are proud to partner with FirstLook to extend our mission within Ellis County,” the church’s Connections Pastor Ray Boyd stated during a presentation at FirstLook earlier this year. “We hope this marks the beginning of a lasting partnership between our church and FirstLook, reflecting our shared commitment to nurturing and supporting life at every stage."
An effort to raise awareness for APR
Not only did the church raise money for the center’s operating costs, but an anonymous congregant provided additional funds for a billboard advertising Abortion Pill Reversal.
“That is something that is not very well known and so we just wanted to advertise that instead of FirstLook,” Woodall said. “We received permission from the donor to do so.”

The 48-foot-long billboard is now in place in Dallas County, Woodall said. One side is written in English and the other side in Spanish. FirstLook offers Abortion Pill Reversal and is a provider with the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network.
“We have seen an increase in that service,” Woodall said. “I think slowly but surely word is getting out. APR is needed in Texas because our clients are still getting their hands on the abortion pill.”
FirstLook has served three APR clients in the past few months. Woodall said the staff anticipates the number to grow not only at their center but at pregnancy resource medical clinics throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area because of the new double-sided billboard, she added.
Donors, supporters benefit pregnancy help organizations
Church, business, and organizational partnerships, whether through baby bottle campaigns or other outreach initiatives, benefit pregnancy help organizations across the country.
“Individuals and churches who serve and support pregnancy centers are the backbone of life-affirming work,” Woodall said. “Because of their faithful prayers, service and support, there is a safe place for men and women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy to go and receive the hope they so desperately need. Every single gift contributes to helping a mother know there are other options available besides abortion.”
Because of its supporters, FirstLook has seen new volunteers, baby showers from women’s groups, and now a billboard that can save lives from abortion.
Tweet This: Individuals and churches that serve and support pregnancy centers are the backbone of life-affirming work.
FirstLook also increased its outreach to clients thanks to their supporters. A new building was constructed in 2021A new building was constructed in 2021, and the clinic staff stands at 20, including five registered nurses, Woodall said.
“It’s like, ‘If you build it, they will come,’” she said. “Our organization has grown tremendously.”

Located in Waxahachie, FirstLook is the only pregnancy center in Ellis County, she added. A men’s ministry is part of their service offerings.
“We encourage every woman to bring her partner with her,” Woodall said.
Natalie did just that, and together, she and her partner learned the truth about their unborn child – a pre-born human created in the image of God. Today, they are the delighted parents of a little girl. Donors to FirstLook and other pregnancy help organizations can be delighted also, knowing they play a significant role in stories like Natalie’s.
Watch a short video of the Cowboy Church’s presentation of funds to FirstLook HERE.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News. Heartbeat is currently the subject of two lawsuits brought by state AGs concerning sharing information about Abortion Pill Reversal.