Prior to the current spate of pro-abortion violence directed at pregnancy help centers an 'escort' at late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart's Bellevue Health Clinic abortion facility in Bellevue, Neb., posted a Tik Tok video making the claim that pro-life advocates yell, scream, curse, and berate women heading into abortion centers.
"Escort captain" Shelley Mann endeavored to project violence onto pro-life advocates who pray and perform sidewalk advocacy outside the notorious abortionist’s Nebraska facility, based upon her claim that she walks the grounds to “protect the clinic’s patients from the anti-abortion protesters who line its perimeter.”
CNN picked the Tik Tok video up and gave Mann glowing coverage.

Mann claims the first thing she does when she arrives at Carhart's abortion center is walk around and check for anything suspicious, implying that pro-lifers might plant bombs on the property. She also claimed in the CNN report she wears a bullet proof vest, giving the impression of a very angry, potentially violent bunch of people praying out front.
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EWTN’s Pro-Life Pulse covered the claims made by Mann in the CNN story, drawing an important contrast between the specific danger Carhart poses with the false narrative used by abortion proponents to smear pro-life advocates. The Pro-Life Pulse segment showed an accurate depiction of Mann’s in-your-face tactics, recounting the various things she yells in pro-life advocates’ faces, such as, "Abortion is Normal" and “Abortion is Healthcare!"
Local pro-life advocates further debunked the claims made by Mann that pro-lifers are violent.
Those who pray and perform sidewalk advocacy regularly at the Carhart abortion center know otherwise.
They say the reality is the exact opposite; that it's the abortion enthusiasts and "escorts" who routinely yell, scream, and harass pro-life people in front of abortion centers, and have videos and photos to prove it.

attempting to offer free help with young pregnant moms
David Zebolsky with Nebraskans Embracing Life has been out in front of Carhart's Bellevue facility performing pro-life outreach many times.
"I'm there at least once a month,” Zebolsky told Pregnancy Help News, “and I know who Shelley is. And I've never once seen her look around the grounds as if she's searching for a bomb, and I've also never seen her wear any kind of a vest.”
“She's the most vocal of all of them,” Zebolsky said. “She's out to criminalize what we're doing.”
He has witnessed the "disgusting way” in which Carhart's personnel treat pro-life prayer advocates and sidewalk counselors.

while other abortion escorts use umbrellas to block them
Zebolsky said it's not uncommon for the Carhart people to, “call the police and lie about the folks praying and sidewalk counseling out front."
"They'll claim we're banging on women's car windows or blocking the driveway," he said.
None of the claims have been backed up by photos or videos.

Mann "lied saying we're violent," Zebolsky added.
"Our strategy is simply appealing to women on the public sidewalk,” he said. “There's simply no reason for us to consider doing anything violent or illegal. We do not block the driveway or prevent anyone from entering the building. Meanwhile it's actually them who have been brought up on charges that they've broken the law."
Carhart has a late-term abortion facility in Maryland as well. He has been sued for medical malpractice, the Pro-Life Pulse report said, and there have been at least instances where abortions he performed resulted in medical emergencies for the mothers.
Zebolsky has witnessed the Nebraska Carhart escorts use megaphones to yell in pro-life advocates’ faces and he has had one blare a siren in his face.

outside the Carhartt Nebraska abortion facility
“They yell out vile remarks, they'll blow smoke right in your face or flick their cigarette butts at you,” he said. “They're militant. They will target a smaller, older woman to harass. They blast music super loud so the women can't hear us.”
Zebolsky pointed out that the contrast between the vile actions of the pro-abortion side versus the peaceful, prayerful pro-life side would be evident for anyone who cared to stand outside the Carhart facility for 15 minutes - yet CNN somehow ended up reporting a different story.
Judy Masiffi has been devoted to praying and offering women help outside the Bellevue abortion center for years and has intervened in the saving of an untold number of babies. She often offers a rose to the young women she tries to speak to and has had the roses torn from her hand and thrown on the ground by Carhart's escorts.
Masiffi has also had a crucifix she was praying with smashed to the ground.

to harass pro-life advocates
Larry Donlan is another regular pro-life advocate at the Carhart abortion facility. Donlan reports often hearing the F-word coming from the escorts and said he’s heard them call female pro-life advocates warriors w****s (vulgarity).
The bull horn and cow bells have been banned at the site by local authorities after pro-life legal non-profit Thomas More Society intervened, and neighbors had complained.
"What Shelley Mann's video really showed was her narcissism,” said Donlan. “She likes bringing attention to herself.”
Despite the venom spewed at them, prayer and pro-life sidewalk counseling continue at the Carhart abortion facility.
“God can work with all of it, the whole scene,” Donlan said. “Our job is to seed. God’s job is to water the seeds with the Holy Spirit.”
Those praying out front include Carhart himself, now 80, in their prayers
"We always remember that we're not just praying for the abortion victims - the moms and their babies - but also for the abortionist himself and all those who assist him,” Donlan said. “Our witnesses are always charitable with them."