(The Lion) Pro-life company Seven Weeks Coffee is nearing $1 million in donations toward pregnancy resource centers across the country to help expectant mothers choose life.
Founded in 2021 by Anton Krecic with the support of his wife, Christa Krecic, Seven Weeks Coffee donates 10% of every sale to pregnancy centers struggling to pay for equipment or staff.
“At seven weeks, a baby is the size of a coffee bean,” Krecic told The Lion of the company’s name and logo. “It’s the same time a heartbeat is detected on an ultrasound.”
The company’s mission, he added, is to support ultrasound services at pregnancy centers so “moms can hear their child’s heartbeat for the first time.”
Since its founding, Seven Weeks has donated about $850,000 to pro-life causes, Krecic said, and he is hoping to hit the $1 million milestone in May. The company has supported more than 1,000 pro-life organizations, saving an estimated 7,500 unborn lives.
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Although Krecic and his wife have always been pro-life, he said their recent discovery that they are expecting a baby has made the mission even more personal.
“Just to see life growing in my wife’s womb, and as we go in for ultrasound appointments to see the baby’s development throughout every stage of pregnancy, it truly makes your heart break for people who are facing unplanned pregnancies and then even considering abortion,” he said. “It makes us think, ‘How can we ever not cherish life in the womb when we’re seeing our own child’s life grow each week?’”
A central part of Krecic’s mission is to bring his biblical worldview to the marketplace, he said, since being a believer while creating “profound marketplace shifts” can go together.
Evangelist Billy Graham once said, “The next move of God would be believers in the marketplace,” Krecic noted.
“This idea that we could take our skills and God-given abilities, and live them out in the marketplace, in the economy. And for us, that means we’re moving dollars through the economy with coffee that has an eternal impact, which is supporting life.”
Christians can make a big difference in business by being more intentional with purchases, he said, and he has found there is a “huge demand to create products and services that align with tens of millions of consumers from a biblical worldview.”
Tweet This: Seven Weeks Coffee's founder has seen a huge demand for products and services that align with the biblical worldview of many consumers.
The company’s pro-life mission extends beyond pregnancy care centers, as it seeks to source its products from an ethical supply chain as well – which Krecic says ultimately results in a better, cleaner cup of coffee for customers.
“We don’t buy through a middleman; we buy directly from farmers,” he said.
The direct trade relationship allows Seven Weeks to trace the crop from “farm to processing to roasting” and ensure farmers earn legitimate wages – three times the amount Fairtrade requires.
“How we source our coffee is affecting people’s lives too, and we want to do that in a very abundant life way,” he said.
The direct relationship with farmers also helps him verify his product is organically farmed, pesticide-free and third-party tested for mold.
“It kind of goes back to that biblical aspect of our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit, we want to honor God with our bodies. And so, we believe we have the cleanest cup of coffee out there.”
Although Seven Weeks Coffee is available for purchase only online, Krecic said he hopes to open a physical store in northern Virginia in the future. The company sources coffee from farms across the world, including in Ethiopia, Haiti, Columbia and Brazil.
“We really want customers to switch to us because we’re not just a mission that they support, but we’re a product that’s far superior than they’re used to,” he said. “We’re not just here to say we’re pro-life. We’re here to also have a better product for you as well.”
Editor's note:This article was published by The Lion and is reprinted with permission.