Expectant mothers need support; that’s no secret. But when their surrounding environment or relationships don’t offer that, social media can be a place to discover it.
It is an important reminder that no one is truly alone, and if they look beyond their immediate circumstance, they will see that good people are out there.
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CHOICE42 (Choice For 2) is a Facebook page that offers the opportunity to connect in spades.
For example, on one post a story told in bullet points relays how a young mom leaned on the church. She states she was homeless, pregnant, slept in her car, and considered abortion for 16 weeks.
But it continues, revealing how this young woman found a church where she would choose a foster family; she ended up finding “a home” — for her and her child. It ends with the reveal that her 2-year-old daughter is “asleep upstairs.”
The post received many heartfelt supportive replies. They include:
• “I applaud your courage, your wisdom, your integrity, and most of all, your decision to be a mom to your amazing daughter. May you continue to be awed by her power to change your life for the better. Blessings to you both.”
• “I loved reading this. The best decision. Babies are truly a blessing and God has blessed you.”
• “You are so courageous.”
Another example is a Facebook page called “Albany Rose: Pro-Life Atheist.”
One post asks followers to “#ShoutYourMotherhood” and follows up with “Shout about the transcending [bull**t] we overcome to care for those weaker than us, not dispose of someone else's life because we want it easier. That's what being a parent mean[s]. What being a MOTHER means, be it by blood or by love.”
This post shares the same story of the woman who leaned on the church, but Albany Rose (a motivational speaker) concurrently shares in the same post her experience with similar dire circumstances through her own bullet points, including being pregnant and homeless — having also slept in her car.
Despite the bullet-point format, Rose paints a harrowing, emotional illustration of her life: (slept on a hard floor next to an abusive couple, suicidal, trusted no one…). But this one also has a happy ending:
“My 8yo is doing the dishes singing Elvis” #ShoutYourMotherhood
Commenters in response “shout their motherhood” with a variety of horrific stories entailing abuse, homelessness, and more. But they include how they were, in fact, able to have their babies after all.
A couple examples include:
I was
-a run away
-a high school senior
-no car
-not together with my husband at the time
-coerced into aborting from many different people
-told I was going to fail by many
-told I had ruined my life
My almost 9 yo is playing Minecraft
Another reveals:
I was:
- newly 21 years old
- halfway through a university degree
- several thousand dollars in student loan debt
- pregnant
- just told I was actually the side chick
- told I should put my child up for adoption to "break the cycle" in my family
- barely recovered from a deep depression
- ashamed and terrified
- an emotional wreck for 6 months
My 8 year old is downstairs playing with her 4 year old sister instead of cleaning her room
The immediate takeaway is clear: No one is alone.
Any woman who is pregnant and struggling has a community whose members have or are experiencing similar trials. And these moms all chose life. They are mothers to children whom they do not regret. These women found the strength and courage to endure. And they want you to know that you can do it too.
Social media is a handy tool and can facilitate making real connections – but the key is to connect.
You’re not alone. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, reach out. There are people who will support you. They’ve been where you are, they were able to have their children and you can too.
You are strong; you can do this. The pregnancy help community will assist and support you.
Log on to optionline.org or text “HELPLINE” to 313131, and let Option Line’s consultants be there for you. And all the while, make sure you stay connected to others – you are not alone.
Editor's note: Option Line is managed by Heartbeat International, which manages Pregnancy Help News.