Editor’s note: The following is a slightly edited version of a May 19 Facebook post from Women’s Hope Medical Clinic Executive Director Daria Monroe, concerning an instance of vandalism committed at the pregnancy help medical clinic, one of many such incidents and worse on the part of abortion supporters targeting pro-life, pregnancy help, Church and other entities following the leaked draft majority opinion in the Dobbs case indicating the possible overturn of Roe v. Wade. The vandalism at Women’s Hope Medical Clinic was perpetrated upon vehicles belonging to Monroe’s pregnant assistant, the center’s part-time bookkeeper, receptionist, and a young volunteer client advocate who’d just gotten a new car and was in her first week of volunteering with Hope. Monroe is looking into the possibility of finding a way to assist with the women’s’ insurance deductibles so that they can get their cars repaired. One woman told Monroe that if someone wants to pay her deductible, to please donate it to Women’s Hope instead. The original Facebook post had been taken down with the hope of alleviating further vandalism or attacks.
As of late June the center was having a male military veteran monitoring both buildings each afternoon. Beginning in the early evening 2-hour shifts of males praying begin and go through the night until 9 a.m. when the center's morning prayer is over. These men all walk the exterior premises and pray. Some do Bible studies together. The two men pictured below are the center's Sunday school leader and a young man from the class that he mentors.

Wednesday afternoon May 18 a woman (with a little boy at her side) crept into the two parking lots of Women’s Hope Medical Clinic, Hope Family Center, and Hope Adoptions and keyed our sign and some of the cars belonging to staff members and one of our volunteers.
I imagine she would have done more damage had one of our team members not seen her in action which caused her to take off with her little boy.

So, I believe the “Summer of Rage” that’s being talked about and threatened has begun here in our sweet area.
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Women’s Hope Medical Clinic and Hope Adoptions exist to care for individuals in unplanned pregnancies by providing FREE medical services by our licensed RNs and volunteer OB/Gyns, counsel and support, parenting classes, a fatherhood program, material items (diapers, wipes, formula, clothes, car seats, cribs, etc.), as well as support and counsel for women who may decide to make an adoption plan, and so much more.
With all that is given by this organization, our patients and clients never pay anything because of the love and faithful support of those who believe in helping a mother, a couple, in having the support, counsel, and help to make tough decisions during tough times in their life, and to know they are not alone.
So why the destruction?
It looks to me like she tried to scratch the word “Hope” off our sign, so I must believe she may feel no hope herself to resort to destroying property at a local nonprofit that offers hope and love.
If you are reading this, please pray.
Pray for our country. Pray for the women and men coming to Women’s Hope and Hope Adoptions and pregnancy centers around the country. Pray for staff, volunteers, board members, and our faithful supporters.
Pray for those who attack and hate without knowing the truth. Pray for this woman who took some anger out on us that day and pray for her little boy who watched his mother/caregiver perpetrate vandalism on the innocent.

And please pray for pregnant mothers waking up every day in every city and town to a decision of whether or not to give their baby in their womb life.
Pray for those who cannot speak for themselves and for the wisdom and courage for those who are trying to speak in love for them.
We are living in unbelievably difficult times, but we have hope in our Lord and Savior. I pray for all to come to know the hope that is within us!