(LifeNews) A new national poll should give Americans hope about the future because it shows that a majority of millennials are pro-life and that they are becoming increasingly pro-life.
Students for Life of America released the new national poll, conducted the first week of January 2022 by Vinea Research [for SFLA’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement], which shows that millennials & Gen Z — now 31% of the electorate — are headed in the pro-life direction.
“Far from being pro-abortion, straight ticket voters without nuance, millennials & Gen Z share concerns about the extremes of abortion, desire to have a voice and a vote on life, and thoroughly reject the reckless and deadly policy currently pursued by the Biden Administration and their corporate abortion allies on Chemical Abortion Pills,” says Students for Life president Kristan Hawkins.
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The universal sign of life – a heartbeat – matters to millennials and Gen Z. Now 52% of millennials say that after a baby’s heartbeat is detected, they want either no abortion at all or abortion only with exceptions made for rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is in danger, essentially banned most all abortions. That’s an increase over the 47% who supported a heartbeat abortion ban in 2021.
Other findings from the poll were also encouraging, as they showed young Americans supporting pro-life positions on abortion:
- Standing firm in their desire for less abortion, once again 3 out of 4 millennials and Gen Z want limits with more than 4 in 10 favoring either no abortion at all or abortion limited to the exceptions of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.
- Millennials and Gen Z want a voice and a vote on abortion. An astonishing 8 in 10 want to vote on abortion policy in their states – UP from 66% last year.
- When considering how devalued people have been treated historically by those in power, 65% of Millennials and Gen Z did not support allowing people in power to decide who is fully human and deserving of legal rights.
- More than 6 in 10 oppose no test, on-line distribution of chemical abortion pills, and almost 7 in 10 would vote for a legislator who fights for health and safety standards.
- Hyde Amendment protections have the support of 54% and 55% oppose tax-funding abortion worldwide.
- Learning more about Roe’s deadly impact flipped 10% of millennials & Gen Z from supporting to opposing Roe. Almost 6 in 10 oppose Roe’s radical reach, of abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy.
“The focus of this poll is to examine the viewpoint of the generation most targeted by abortionists. Millennials & Gen Z survived abortion and are now pressured to abort future generations. We wanted to know their views on the cutting-edge policy now being considered in light of the changes that will come after the Supreme Court examines Roe v. Wade in the pending Dobbs case,” said Hawkins. “Limits on abortion earlier in pregnancy are on the horizon as Students for Life Action prepares for 2022 legislative sessions, and we want to work the Pro-Life Generation and their peers to pass life-saving legislation.”

Hawkins added: “After Roe v. Wade overhauled America’s abortion laws in 1973 by nullifying state control in favor of Supreme Court management, politicians had a get-out-of-accountability free card for decades … Times have changed …This pending power shift away from the judicial branch of government to the executive and legislative branches will result in key changes for abortion policy and activism.”
She was encouraged by the number of young Americans who oppose unlimited sales of the dangerous mifepristone abortion pill.
“For the first time ever, the Demetree Institute did a deep dive into millennials & Gen Z views on each individual danger to women using chemical abortion pills, finding absolute support for the health and safety standards that the FDA has negligently dropped under Biden’s regime,” said Hawkins.
Editor's note: This article was published by LifeNews and is reprinted with permission.