Numerous inspiring adoption stories have been in the news in recent weeks, underscoring the importance of this tremendous gift of life given and blessed by so many.
In celebration of adoption, below we share with you a round-up of summaries from some of these stories.
Merry Christmas from Pregnancy Help News!
'A miracle baby.' Williamson County family's Christmas wish granted through adoption
The Rockett family of Williamson County, TX, had been fostering a baby boy since June when the infant was four days old. The family got word two days before Christmas that they would be blessed with something they'd always hoped for - adoption through fostering. “The Christmas season is about a baby – a miracle baby,” said 425th Judicial District Court Judge Betsy Lambeth, who approved the early adoption and will perform the adoption ceremony. “And we have our own miracle baby in Williamson County.”
See the Rocketts' story HERE from local ABC affiliate KVUE
Parents Unable to Conceive Adopt 2 Brothers, Then Welcome 7 More of Their Siblings Into Their Home
Melissa Phelps-Groves and Scott Groves, of Omaha, Neb., adopted two brothers in 2004 after struggling to conceive. Over the next decade, the couple would adopt seven more children - the siblings of the first adopted pair, all boys, ranging in age from a baby to teenage. The couple did this so the siblings could grow up together. See their story HERE from The Epoch Times.
A Boonsboro couple that spent their lives fostering children shed light on interracial adoption
Washington County residents, MD, Paul and Rodi Kadin have fostered for more than 20 years, provided respite care for foster families and themselves become adoptive parents. The Kadins say interracial adoption needs more positive awareness. Learn more about their story HERE from WDVM.
Surprise Christmas adoption brings a child to tears in Calera, Ala.
Dustin and Page Rogers from Calera, AL, had been fostering 11-year-old Maya for the last year-and-a-half when they surprised her by making her Christmas dream of adoption come true. The Rogers told Maya and their other children they needed to stop by the courthouse, though not telling them why, and that they would be taking their picture there. When the the children lined up for the photo, Maya was given a sign to hold that read, “Merry Christmas to me. I’m now an adoptee.” Read the rest of the story HERE from local NBC affiliate Wave 3 News.
Former Foster Family Celebrating First Christmas After Adoption
For the first time ever, children are being adopted out of the foster care system in the state of Texas faster than they are entering it. The Hoover family of San Antonio adopted two girls after being their foster parents for several years, and they are celebrating their first Christmas after adoption. Learn more about their story HERE as reported by Spectrum News:
Boy donates blankets to babies placed for adoption
A six-year-old Wisconsin boy with special needs wanted to help babies placed for adoption feel loved, so he collected baby blankets for donation to a Green Way adoption agency. See Tanner's wonderful story HERE from local CBS affiliate WBAY.
Mississippi Heart Gallery features children ‘harder to place’ for adoption
The Canton Public Library in Jackson, Miss., is host to the Mississippi Heart Gallery, a display of photos of children in state care who are free for adoption and considered harder to place. Details on this heartrending outreach can be found HERE from WLOX.
11 children find homes during Nov. Adoption Day
Eleven children were united with families last month during Adoption Day at the Yavapai County Juvenile Justice Center in Prescott, AZ. The courtroom was "heavily decorated" for the day, according to The Daily Courier. Check out the photo at the link HERE.
From a Hallmark Movie, a Powerful Pro-Life Message
The Daily Signal covered a Christmas movie with a plot touching on adoption, and recalled from an earlier article where the movie's lead actress, Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth, herself adopted, had said of her personal experience, “I would thank my birth mother for loving me enough to make such a huge sacrifice. It’s a great gift for me to be able to say: ‘I know that I came from love, and I know that I have love.’" See more on Chenoweth's comments in the story HERE.
Adorable Little Boy Invites Entire Kindergarten Class To His Adoption Hearing
A five-year-old Michigan boy captured headlines and hearts across the U.S. and beyond after inviting his kindergarten class to his adoption hearing. Michael's story went viral, with his saying he'd invited his whole class because they are part of his family. The Daily Wire is one of the many outlets to cover the story, see it HERE.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International, which manages Pregnancy Help News, offers information on adoption HERE.
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