It Pays to Be a Planned Parenthood Exec, AUL Study Finds

It Pays to Be a Planned Parenthood Exec, AUL Study Finds

Planned Parenthood’s top employees are enjoying healthy salaries, according to a recent study by Americans United for Life (AUL). According to AUL’s report, the top 12 employees at Planned Parenthood’s national headquarters made a combined $4.1 million in 2014.

In addition, the average salary of a CEO at one of Planned Parenthood’s 62 regional affiliates was $186,071 in 2013 (the last year of complete reporting by Planned Parenthood).

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A deeper look at the salaries of affiliate CEOs shows perhaps an even larger average. Pregnancy Help News analyzed the 62 salaries, finding just five CEOs making less than $55,000. The five comparatively low salaries indicate the possibility of part-time or nominal employment when compared to the other salaries, which start at $84,970 and rise to a high of $372,375.

By taking out these five salaries, the average rises to $198,760.

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Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards has seen her salary boom as federal funding for the abortion giant grows. Richards’ salary is an eye-popping $590,628, as she leads an organization which claims dedication to serving poor women.

Richards’ salary is a 40 percent hike since 2011; coinciding closely with Planned Parenthood’s share of the federal pie, which has jumped from $363 million in 2009 to $540.6 million in 2013—a 49 percent increase.

Planned Parenthood salaries are a stark contrast to CEOs at pregnancy help organizations (PHOs). While most PHOs belong to affiliate networks, there is no national headquarters, which makes direct correlations difficult. However, the 2015 Pregnancy Help Center Salary Survey (a combined effort between Heartbeat International and CareNet) indicates an average Executive Director salary of $43,144.

For PHOs with budgets of $1 million or more, the average CEO salary is $74,913, which would place a PHO CEO at No. 58 on the list of 62 Planned Parenthood affiliate CEOs—$111,158 under the Planned Parenthood average.

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PHOs with annual budgets of $500,000 to $1 million report an average CEO salary of $58,941, an incredible $127,130 under the average salary for a PP affiliate’s CEO.

Another takeaway from AUL’s salary report? Raising money is big money at Planned Parenthood. Three key employees in the national office charged with the duty of fundraising make a combined salary of $829,453, averaging $276,484.

Tweet This: @HeartbeatIntl @inspirelifenow leaders making $127K less than pro-abort CEOs

By contrast, PHO development directors at centers with budgets of $500,000 or more earn an average salary of $45,534. The top fundraisers for Planned Parenthood then, make six times the salary of the top development directors at PHOs across the country. 

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