Hundreds demand life is respected in London

March For Life on 7 September 2024, in London/March for Life UK Facebook via Evangelical Focus

Walking to Parliament Square in London, the March For Life UK defended that “abortion is not healthcare”.

(Evangelical Focus) Hundreds of people marched in London for life on 6 September in an event attended mostly by Christians.

“All humans are people” and “Healthcare doesn’t kill”, the annual March For Life started with roundtables and seminars on the morning and continued with a peaceful demonstration to the place where UK politicies are decided.


March for Life UK via Evangelical Focus


The theme of this year’s march was “Abortion isn’t healthcare”, and among the speakers were a former pro-abortion doctor and an abortion survivor.

The front of the march was led by young people, and the participants included families and individuals, as well as activists from several organisations advocating for pro-life policies in the country.

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March for Life UK/via Evangelical Focus

This public event in defense of the life of the unborn is led by several organisations that come from Christian backgrounds, including Roman Catholic churches, Anglicans and evangelicals.

Tweet This: “Abortion isn’t healthcare” was the theme for the 2024 March for Life UK

Abortion survivor Claire Culwell/March for Life UK via Evangelical Focus

According to UK news website Christian Today, speakers included Dr Calum Miller, who has engaged in public conversations about the topic, as well as Patrick Regan King, an evangelical pastor in London, who said pro-life stances remain a “taboo” subject in parts of the evangelical church. “People don't want to talk about it, they don't want to deal with it honestly from the pulpit - or only in very broad, vague terms. But the power of redemption is recognising abortion for what it is, recognising the sin that it is against God, but also recognising that there's freedom”, he was quoted as saying.

Editor's note: This article was published by Evangelical Focus and is reprinted with permission.

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