Grateful for overturn of Roe, Congress Members introduce resolution affirming protection of unborn life

Grateful for overturn of Roe, Congress Members introduce resolution affirming protection of unborn life (Rep. Doug Lamborn Twitter)

Twenty-one members of Congress led by Rep. Doug Lamborn, (R-Colorado) filed a house resolution this past summer declaring that unborn children are legal and constitutional persons entitled to our nation's laws of equal protection.

The Congressmen cited Section 1 of the 14th Amendment in their Recognizing Life Resolution.

"While we are grateful that Roe has been overturned, there is still much work to be done to advance and strengthen the protection of human life, beginning in the womb," Lamborn stated in a press release

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"The Recognizing Life Resolution is the new north star that will guide future legislation and set the precedent for our nation to secure equal protection for unborn children and preserve the sanctity of life,” he said. “I am pleased to introduce this resolution and look forward to continuing the pro-life momentum already making waves around the nation."

The Recognizing Life Resolution calls on Congress, the president, and the courts to uphold the constitution by protecting human life, Lamborn’s release explained. 

The measure makes clear that the right to life under the 14th Amendment has always been meant to apply to the unborn and is consistent with the Dobbs ruling. 

“By recognizing this fundamental right for pre-born persons,” the statement says, “Congress can steadily change abortion laws around the nation and end this cruel and unjust procedure.”

Tweet This: By recognizing the right to life for pre-born persons Congress can change abortion laws around the nation & end this cruel, unjust procedure

The resolution also notes how there exists “a medical and scientific consensus exists establishing that each human being begins his or her life cycle” at conception.

It has received support from pro-life groups such as Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and Live Action.

Rep. Debbie Lesko R-AZ) was a co-sponsor for the Recognizing Life Resolution and remarked on how the 14th Amendment pertains to life in the womb.

"The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law and ensures that no one is unjustly deprived of their fundamental rights to life and liberty," Lesko said. 

"As we look to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the end of Roe v. Wade, I am pleased to join Congressman Lamborn in introducing this important legislation to secure preborn babies' constitutional right to life across our nation."

Lamborn has published a page on his website refuting myths propagated by the abortion lobby on abortion and the 14th Amendment. The Congressman also took part in pro-life Dobbs anniversary observance and more recently introduced a bipartisan bill to support birth mothers, adoptive parents, and babies

The entire Recognizing Life Resolution is available HERE.

According to Congressman Lambert’s office, while there are no meetings or hearing dates scheduled yet on this bill, he is “committed to seeing this pro-life bill through.”

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