Don’t let your puddle dry up during the holidays

Don’t let your puddle dry up during the holidays (Olya Harytovich/Pexels)

In God’s kingdom, extraordinary living can look a little old school, especially if we put the standard up against the world’s standards. For so many, Christmas is a time of expectations and exhaustion. It can be hard to recognize the line between loving service and performance. The heroes of our faith are the individuals who put one foot in front of the next and did only what God was asking of them in the moment. Corrie Ten Boom is one of my heroes. She is quoted as saying, “Trying to do the Lord’s work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.”

Our contributions matter to God, whether it’s praying for people, making them meals, providing diapers, or looking them in the eye. We need to recognize that nothing is too small or ordinary in God’s kingdom. He sees you and values what you bring to Him. You are the contribution.

When we struggle with feelings of inadequacy or being overwhelmed, here are some key points to remember: 

1) God created us to be a single piece in His wondrous puzzle, and 

2) We find strength in numbers.

In the pregnancy help movement we tackle difficult issues and circumstances; we need to rely on the years of relationships we have built with one another and with Jesus, to share God’s love with those that seek our help. 

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We have developed the kind of connections that grow only over time; time spent with Jesus and working with one another through the good, and the bad. We have had hard, uncomfortable conversations over the years but have emerged on the other side intact and with the blessing that lives are being changed through our service. This is why being a part of the pregnancy help movement is a long-term commitment. A commitment of your heart, which will bring you abundant blessings. 

Jumping ship short term is not enough to see the depth of the impact you are making or to traverse difficult situations without losing faith in one another’s humanity. We need to deposit regular 'drops' of time, attention, and intentional love. Surrendering to Jesus is a learning process and requires a community in which we can learn and grow. When your drops turn into a puddle, you are able to fully share without feeling dried up.

Tweet This: Our contributions in pregnancy help matter to God. He sees you and values what you bring to Him.

I can’t think of a better community of like-minded servants to engage with. To share stories, hardships, and successes. Let’s engage with one another, with no other agenda but to love. Do not be caught up in the whirlwind of panic or dismissal that is common to the world but take hold of the power and the peace we have been given by our God. A God that created the universe, then came to his creation as one of us. He is in and around us. He has gone before us. He is behind us. And He is the One on whom we stand – with confidence, resilience, grace, and hope. 

So, on those days when you feel weary and have difficulty “seeing” how you are making a difference in the world, take a moment to reflect on how “the ministry of Jesus is flowing out of you.” Visualize the smiling faces of those newborn babies and the cooing as their mother’s hold them to comfort and love them. This is because of YOU and your HEART to let Jesus flow from you! 

Editor's note: Dawn Marie Perez is the Executive Director of the Foundation. 

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