Doctor banned from providing abortion reversal treatment takes legal challenge to High Court in England

Doctor banned from providing abortion reversal treatment takes legal challenge to High Court in England (

(NRLC) It was in June 2021 that Dr. Dermot Kearney was banned by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service from helping women to reverse the effects of their chemical abortions—Abortion Pill Reversal (APR). Now, at last, represented by the Christian Legal Center [CLC], Dr. Kearney will appear before the Royal Courts of Justice on February 24th to appeal his medical suspension.

 “The decision [to suspend] came after a complaint by abortion provider MSI Reproductive Choices, formerly known as Marie Stopes International,” Christian Today reported.

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    Dermot Kearney

Before he was suspended, Dr. Kearney, a former president of Catholic Medical Association [UK], said 32 women who received the Abortion Pill Reversal were able to save their babies. According to Abortion Pill Rescue® Network over 3,000 babies have been rescued in the U.S.

CLC chief executive Andrea Williams told Christian Today that Dr. Kearney should be free to help women save their pregnancy:

“We have seen many women immediately regret taking the first abortion pill,” she said. 

“Abortion providers are putting women on a conveyer belt which means once they start the abortion process, they have to go through with it and are pressured to do so or left with no alternatives.

“Women should be properly informed, as a matter of course, that the baby’s death is not inevitable after the first pill is taken.

“Women who immediately regret taking the first abortion pill and who urgently need support to try and save the pregnancy are being denied access to care due to this ban.”

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Tweet This: Women who regret taking the 1st abortion pill & urgently need support 2try & save the pregnancy are being denied access 2care due 2this ban

Women start a chemical abortion by taking mifepristone and, having realized what they did was wrong, do not take the second pill, mifepristone.

Instead they take progesterone, the natural occurring hormone in a woman’s body that sustains pregnancy, a treatment that has been used for decades to prevent miscarriages.

If used expeditiously, APR can save as many as 64% to 68% of babies.

 “Many women feel unbelievably grateful to Dr. Kearney for helping them to save their babies,” said Williams. “Even where the babies were not saved, or where they decided to decline the progesterone treatment, they feel that he has cared for them and helped them when they most needed it. He steps into the breach where the abortion providers are manifestly failing.”

Williams captured the irony. “In any other area of medicine, treatment would be stopped if consent was withdrawn. Is ideology and the vested interests of abortion providers in the UK getting in the way of the woman’s right to choose?”

Editor's note: This article was published by the National Right to Life Committee and is reprinted with permission. Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News.

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