Democrats for Life counters DNC abortion publicity stunt with actual effort to help women

Democrats for Life of America

Democrats for Life of America is seeking to help women during the DNC; wants the party's targeting of pregnancy help to stop

The national organization for pro-life Democrats in the U.S. is responding to abortion PR antics at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) with a life-affirming outreach to benefit women with pregnancy help.

The promotion of chemical abortion and no-cost vasectomies by Planned Parenthood Great Rivers via its mobile unit parked near the DNC in Chicago made headlines over the weekend prior to the convention’s Monday opening, eliciting disgust for its coarse treatment of the abortion issue.

“Beep Beep!” the abortion cartoon graphic posted on X said above an image of the mobile unit, next to the Chicago skyline. Lower down, it said, “Chicago, we’re headed your way to provide FREE vasectomies and abortions!”

Planned Parenthood Great Rivers DNC abortion post

Planned Parenthood Great Rivers has morphed from Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri to terming itself "leading provider, educator, and protector of sexual and reproductive health care in the St. Louis region, Missouri Ozarks, and beyond." The abortion giant's Great River sector partnered with the Chicago Abortion Fund and a local hotdog restaurant for the DNC exploit. No cost "emergency contraceptives" with no appointment needed were also part of the deal. 

Democrats for Life of America (DFLA) already had plans to visit a pregnancy center and fledgling maternity home in Chicago during DNC week, DFLA Executive Director Kristen Day said, but Planned Parenthood’s staged abortion gimmick warranted taking the effort to help women with pregnancy help a step further.

“Our mission all along has been to provide resources and support to pregnant women so they don't feel like abortion is their only choice,” Day told Pregnancy Help News. “And I think the move by Planned Parenthood to just really degrade the idea of pregnancy, and the solution to pregnancy is an abortion, and kind of make light of it by providing abortions here at the DNC - It was just sickening.”

Tweet This: Planned Parenthood Great Rivers promoting chemical abortion & vasectomies at the DNC via its mobile unit was extreme, coarse, and appalling.

DFLA is conducting a diaper drive for Chicago-area women and families, the proceeds topping $3K as of press time.

“Planned Parenthood is offering free abortions during the convention,” the donation page states. “This disrespects women and is an attack on human rights. Please support our diaper campaign for Chicago families.”

Day posted on her X account about the diaper drive Monday, prompting shares and discussion. She is heartened by the response thus far and the prospect of helping as many people as possible.


“I just think the positive response is good,” she said. “From just making light of abortion and parenthood, to changing it and showing what real Democrats do and real Democrats support those in need, and that's what we're doing.”

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The new maternity home that DFLA will visit on Wednesday is being built in a Black community that was “a pregnancy support desert,” Day said.

“So, they had abortion clinics, but no support for women to have another choice,” she said.

It’s a community effort for change led by a local pastor who saw the need after a member of his congregation said that she had an abortion because there was no support for her to do anything but that.

“And so, we're going there on Wednesday,” Day said. “And then when we thought about Planned Parenthood and just making fun of abortion, and with the real needs of what women want, we decided that we were going to try to stock the shelves of the pregnancy centers in Chicago.”

DFLA has plans to take diapers to homeless shelters in the area as well.

The list of pregnancy centers was growing and changing early in the week, and Day and her crew remained focused on going shopping, getting the diapers, and bringing them right to the centers. They planned to continue collecting through the week and if people are still interested in helping beyond the convention week, DFLA will look at other places that need support, she said, and see if they can help stock the shelves of other pregnancy centers.

“God willing, a lot of money comes in and the convention is over, then we'll use all the money that we raise for pregnancy centers,” Day said.

“This shouldn't be one and done,” she said. “So, if there's centers that need resources, let us know and we want to help.”

Day said DFLA’s original intent in coming to the DNC was to have conversations with delegates to see if there was space in the party for pro-life Democrats, which they will still do, however the Planned Parenthood stunt has inspired an additional goal.

“I think our message has changed,” she said. “We are showing people what real Democrats do, and real Democrats help those in need. So, I feel like this is a good example for other Democrats to look and see the work we're doing.”

Day told Pregnancy Help News she is excited to see where things are with the forthcoming maternity home, after the community came together to solve the problem of lack of pregnancy support.

“They don't want more abortion clinics,” she said. “There are too many abortions in the Black community already. And so, they're solving a problem of providing women with resources and support to not get abortion.”

Tweet This: “They don't want more abortion clinics. There are too many abortions in the Black community already" - DFLA's Kristen Day

Day said promoting pregnancy help centers is one of her favorite things to do, and she decried how some Democrat politicians are targeting pregnancy help.

“It makes me so angry that the Democratic party is trying to shut them down because it's ridiculous,” she said. “It's very consistent with Democratic values to support the vulnerable. The Democratic Party has gone from pro-choice to pro-abortion or anti-choice or one choice - I'm not really sure how to describe it now.”

Planned Parenthood Great Rivers' mobile unit that was to be parked at the DNC offering chemical abortion, vasectomies, and emergency contraception

Day thinks most people don't want abortion extremism, and they are just sold a soundbite that sounds good.

“You just repeat it because it sounds good,” she said. “It's easy to say. But when you stop and have these conversations with people and get into the nitty gritty, it's not as simple.”

Day, who personally supports pregnancy centers in her area, had high praise for the pregnancy help movement.

“I think pregnancy centers are the heroes of this whole movement, the pro-life movement,” she said. “Because they're the ones on the ground working with the people, solving the problems and supporting women and men who are post-abortive, the whole gambit.”

“They're just there and don't ask for much, just to be left alone so they can help people,” said Day. “So, I'm just a huge fan and I just want to do everything I can to stop these attacks.”

The DFLA diaper drive page is available HERE.

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