Another story to add to the enormous archives of the “Genesis 50:20” rule comes out of Ohio less than a quarter mile from Bowling Green State University (BGSU) campus, at Bowling Green Pregnancy Center (DBA HerChoice) in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Genesis 50:20 states, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Jane’s Revenge has been credited for more than a hundred attacks of vandalism and destruction at pregnancy help centers, pro-life organizations, and churches across the U.S. since the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, according to a press release by Cleveland Right to Life Executive Director Kate Makra.
The communication focused on an April 15 attack on HerChoice, the site of yet another such defacement of property.
“Sadly, this attack demonstrates what the pro-life movement is up against,” Makra stated.
The perpetrators of this attack spray painted, “Liars, fake clinic, fund abortion, abort God and Jane’s Revenge,” on the front window and walls of the pregnancy center.
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Rochelle Sikora, Executive Director of HerChoice, was alerted by police.
Local police have assigned two detectives to the case and the investigation is on-going. Sikora gave the police the security footage.
HerChoice has provided services since 1985. Free pregnancy tests, STI testing, parenting classes, material aid and after abortion support.
A decade ago, they added nurse visits and more recently free ultrasounds. With these medical services HerChoice has joined the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network offering help to women who may change their minds after taking the first abortion pill.
The community demonstrated its appreciation immediately for the lifesaving work of this center. Sikora told Pregnancy Help News one of her first calls that Saturday morning was to a friend from the Knights of Columbus.
“Within 10 to 15 minutes he texted that he had eight guys lined up,” noted Sikora.
Alongside these men, students from BGSU’s Falcons for Life group came to clean up the vandalism all within hours of the discovery of the damage.
Club president, Morgan Reece of Falcons for Life, which is the BGSU chapter of Students for Life, was alerted about 8:30 a.m. One of the group’s members was driving by the pregnancy center, saw the vandalism and sent a photo out via a social media app.

“The cleanup process ended up being a beautiful bonding moment for the pro-life community,” stated Reece.
Sikora has been blessed by the outpouring of support from the community.

“Lots of people just stopping by, showing their support, emails, phone calls,” she reported. “We had a college ministry leadership group drop off flowers and a card.”
Money and support has poured in from all over the country since the story was released.
“It’s been amazing. A church group dropped off a check and the guy said, ‘You know when the older folks heard what had happened, they couldn’t sit by, they had to do something,’” Sikora stated.

This support was additional money on top of the regular support the center already receives from the congregation.
April 27 is the largest fundraiser of the year for HerChoice, their annual Gala.
“The timing is good and bad, we’ve got a lot going on,” Sikora reflected. “What a great time to be rallying people.”
She further added thoughts on the effects of the attack, “Strengthened in our resolve. It has not scared us away. We’ve only been reinvigorated to keep doing the work we are doing.”
Makra stated, “These types of vicious attacks are incomprehensible to me. Regardless of where folks stand on the issue of abortion, reasonable people should be able to condemn these senseless attacks.”
For Sikora, the rallying of support is energizing but reflecting on the messaging from the vandals leaves her saddened.
“One of the things they spray painted was ‘Abort God.’ That’s the saddest part and really reveals the true nature of this. It’s a spiritual battle at the bottom of it. That’s what’s going on here. It’s just sad for me to see that,” Sikora concluded.
Reece was similarly affected, “The vandalism messages written, especially the one that said, ‘Abort God,’ was a reminder to all of us that this is not a mere political battle, or a difference of personal opinion: this is spiritual warfare.”
While we cannot not know the hearts and minds of the perpetrators, it is certain the intent was to harm, and yet instead this community of pro-life supporters has been reenergized.
“As it is written in Romans 5:20, ‘where sin increased, grace increased all the more,’” Reece declared.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News.