It should come as no surprise that Planned Parenthood doesn’t hold children high on its list of priorities. Exterminating the lives of pre-born children is its bread and butter, after all.
However, at least one case illustrates how the nation’s largest abortion business is also low on sympathy for the lives of kids who have already been born. And it demonstrates how the women the abortion giant purports to champion are expendable as well.
A female employee at Central Arkansas Planned Parenthood was fired.
Why? Her 5-year-old autistic son was in the hospital for a brain infection. The problem for her employer: She was unable to pinpoint a return-to-work date.
Vikki Parker is the executive director of A Woman’s Place, a pregnancy resource center in Cabot, Ark. After learning about this situation from one of her contacts, Parker reached out to the now-former Planned Parenthood employee.
And she found the woman in a precarious state.
“She and her son were at Children’s Hospital, which is about three hours from her home, and had already been there a couple of weeks,” Parker recalled, adding the woman also had another child to care for during all of this.
Staff members from A Woman’s Place quickly prepared two baskets of snacks and a restaurant gift card so the now-unemployed mother and her ailing son could eat something besides hospital food. Parker also arranged to physically meet the woman in the hospital.
The now-former Planned Parenthood employee opened up to Parker, sharing that she was initially told by the abortion giant when hired she would be handling only STD and pregnancy testing on the job, nothing more.
But leadership did not keep their word.
“They started adding more and more services that made her very uncomfortable,” Parker shared. “She said she did not like working there and more was expected of her as a director, but she was a single mom of two — and one being autistic, she needed her job. And it paid well, of course.”
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Mother’s Day led to more gifts of support before getting the woman connected with Abby Johnson, who has taken over helping from there —supporting another abortion worker in leaving the industry.
For those unfamiliar, Johnson is a former Planned Parenthood employee herself who joined the pro-life movement. Her story was recounted on the big screen in the Unplanned movie. Johnson now oversees an organization called And Then There Were None, which helps abortion workers leave their jobs (and the industry as a whole) to find new paths offering more peace and joy.
The former Arkansas Planned Parenthood employee is now back in Northwest Arkansas, remaining in touch with Johnson. Her son is out of the hospital, and she has a new job.
With the end of Roe v. Wade, it is anticipated that more abortion workers in different states could be losing their jobs.
And now is the time to reach out to them with love.
Even help them turn to Christ, Parker said.
As these individuals are laid off, they may be tempted to find another job in the same line of work. But there is a better path. One that may ease their conscience and lead to something more fulfilling.
Planned Parenthood has repeatedly proven to be a vacuum of compassion. But the same cannot be said about the pregnancy help community.
If you know of any abortion workers losing their jobs in the face of Roe or thinking about leaving for any other reason, assistance is available from And Then There Were None.