Rise in Americans supporting violence to reestablish “right to abortion,” University of Chicago poll shows

Rise in Americans supporting violence to reestablish “right to abortion,” University of Chicago poll shows (Rene Asmussen/Pexels)

(SPUC) A poll from the University of Chicago has reported a worrying rise in support for pro-abortion violence since the repeal of Roe v. Wade in the United States in 2022.

The University of Chicago’s Project on Security and Threats found that, in June 2023, 12% of surveyed Americans agreed with the statement, “The use of force is justified to restore the federal right to abortion.”

Six months earlier, in January 2023, 8% of Americans agreed with the same statement.

The increase in favour of violence to restore a federal right to abortion was most pronounced among Democrats, the political affiliation most supportive of abortion generally, with 8% of Democrats favouring violence in January this year, rising to 16% by June.

A wave of violence directed at pro-life groups swept across the US in 2022 after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the infamous ruling that established a federal right to abortion across the nation.

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Another study recently found that US pro-lifers suffered 22x more attacks than pro-abortion individuals and groups between 3 May and 24 September 2022.

In August 2022, SPUC reported that 69 Catholic churches had been attacked in the in attacking pro-lifers.US by pro-abortion activists.

At the same time, the militant group Jane’s Revenge declared “open season” on pro-life pregnancy centres, also stating that it would “find joy” in attacking pro-lifers.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “This poll confirms the shocking rise in attacks directed against people and groups seeking to protect unborn children. The willingness of pro-abortion persons to turn to violence to advance the similarly violent act of abortion is disturbing but also not surprising.

“People’s actions mirror their beliefs. While the pro-life movement, founded on love and protecting life, is peaceful, pro-abortion militancy is necessarily destructive, revelling more and more in violence, not only as a means to an end but the end itself.”

Tweet This: While the pro-life movement, founded on love and protecting life, is peaceful, pro-abortion militancy is necessarily destructive.

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Editor's note: This article was published by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children and is reprinted with permission.

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