Here we are, living in a Roe-free world for the first time in 50 years.
With incredible amounts of false information and fearmongering in the media about women’s lives and health being put at risk without abortion access, many seem unconcerned with the facts.
Fact check: Currently there is no pro-life law in existence that would in any way inhibit doctors from providing life-saving medical care for emergency ectopic pregnancies.
It is a fact that medical provisions were already in place for high-risk pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, and miscarriage.
Yet falsehoods and alarmism on ectopic pregnancy abound.
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Fact check: The phrase “abort an ectopic pregnancy” does not compute scientifically. An abortion and treatment for ectopic pregnancy are fundamentally different. Medical professionals are capable of safely caring for a mother in times of such emergencies.
According to Lozier Institute’s Fact Sheet: Medical Indications for Separating a Mother and Her Unborn Child:
“Treatment of ectopic pregnancy is not controversial among most physicians, and even the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) affirms, ‘apart from very rare cases, ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous condition that requires that the pregnancy end, either by spontaneous demise of the embryo or by artificial removal of the pregnancy’.[16] In fact, many states, including Texas, specifically exclude treatments for ectopic pregnancy from the state definition of induced abortion.”
Abortion with intent to kill the unborn baby is not the same as treating a woman experiencing the medical emergency of ectopic pregnancy.
Even Planned Parenthood explains on its website that an abortion is not the same as treating an ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy treatment is not affected by pro-life laws. Telling women they will die because of the overturn of Roe v. Wade and denying the established existence of emergency ectopic pregnancy treatment are outright lies.
There is also a clear difference between ending a baby’s life with abortion and providing medical care for a woman after the baby’s life has already ended through miscarriage.
So why then, is there so much intentional false information being spread around?
The only reason to purport such fictions to people who are already hurting and fearful is to spread mass hysteria to promote abortion.
Dr. Christina Francis, M.D., board-certified OB/GYN and scholar for the Charlotte Lozier Institute, addresses this fear of lack of emergency treatment for women and provides clarification on the differences between the procedures:
“My heart is breaking that women are being made to feel fearful by the misinformation that’s out there. Treating ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages or other life-threatening conditions in pregnancy is not the same thing as an abortion. Chemical abortions, which are being heavily promoted by the abortion industry and its allies, cannot treat an ectopic pregnancy according to the FDA. The treatments for ectopic pregnancy are not the same procedures used by induced abortions, which even Planned Parenthood admits. As a pro-life OB/GYN who’s practiced my entire career in hospitals that do not allow abortions, I have never been prevented from safely treating an ectopic pregnancy.”
Among the scaremongering the tired claim that pro-life supporters are “pro-birth,” not pro-life remains.
Fact check: Heartbeat International, the world’s largest network of pregnancy help with more than 3,000 affiliated pregnancy help locations across the globe, supports its affiliates in providing loving and compassionate support and assistance to women and families facing unplanned pregnancy every day.
Heartbeat’s 24/7-365 bi-lingual contact center Option Line serves more than 1,000 people each day who make contact via phone, chat, email, and text, seeking pregnancy help - millions each year. Option Line connects people in need with the nearest pregnancy help organization.
Charlotte Lozier Institute’s latest stats say that in 2019 the country’s then approximately 2,700 pregnancy centers nationwide served almost two million people, at an estimated total value of services and material assistance of almost $270 million.
Abortion providers maintain that abortion is healthcare, but it is degrading to women to perpetuate such narrowminded thinking. Whereas pregnancy centers offer the full scope of support and information no matter what the woman may choose.
But this is not about winning or losing a contest or argument. This is about the truth and protecting life in a culture that has been okay with killing society’s most vulnerable over the last half-century.
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News. This article has been updated.