North Carolina pregnancy center vandalized over Labor Day weekend

Salem Pregnancy Care Center Facebook


(LIve Action News) A pro-life pregnancy center (PRC) in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, was vandalized over Labor Day weekend, adding the PRC to a growing list of pro-life organizations that have faced such attacks since May of 2022, when the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked.

“We were vandalized over the weekend,” Salem Pregnancy Care Center wrote in a Facebook post. “The damage to our Center was not as bad as it could have been. Please pray for the safety of our staff and for wisdome as we consider our next steps.”

The center’s sign was vandalized as the perpetrator wrote the word “scare” over “care” to make the sign say “pregnancy scare center.” The person also wrote, “Go to Planned Parenthood” on the sign.

In addition, a note reading, “Consider: ‘Harm ye none’ in shoes you haven’t worn.” This appears to be a reference to the wiccan or witches’ rede. Pregnancy care centers do not harm women, however, abortion harms both women and children.

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Similar attacks against pro-life organizations have taken place across the country. There have been more than 90 attacks, specifically against pregnancy resource centers, since 2022, according to Catholic Vote. Most of those attacks appear to have been carried out by members of two groups — Jane’s Revenge and Ruth Sent Us. But there have only been five reported arrests.

Tweet This: There have been more than 90 attacks, specifically against pregnancy resource centers, since 2022, according to Catholic Vote.

Despite the FBI’s admission that more pro-abortion violence has been carried out against the pro-life movement since the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overturned Roe, pro-lifers have been at the center of FBI investigations and arrests for peaceful protests.

Under both the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and the Conspiracy Against Rights law, numerous pro-lifers have been sentenced to prison over the past year. As Live Action News previously reported:

Prosecutions of pro-life individuals constitute roughly 97% of all FACE Act cases… from 1994 to 2024, there were 205 cases brought against pro-lifers and just six against pro-abortion activists. At least 55 of those were prosecuted by the Biden DOJ, only five of which involved attacks by abortion advocates — despite FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony that 75% of all abortion-related attacks following the overturning of Roe were carried out by abortion supporters against pro-life organizations.

An increasing number of pro-lifers have been convicted under the FACE Act. Recently, pro-lifer Bevelyn Williams was sentenced to serve a shocking 41 months in federal prison for allegedly violating the FACE Act outside a New York Planned Parenthood, even though she was not charged with “conspiracy against rights” like other convicted pro-lifers.

Eireann Van Natta wrote for the Daily Caller, “In less than four years, Biden’s DOJ has accounted for over a quarter of all FACE prosecutions and approximately 24% of cases targeting pro-life activists….”

Editor's note: This article was published by Live Action News and is reprinted with permission.

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