New pro-life curriculum equips with “truth and science and facts”

Dr. William Lile's Pro-Life Doc Curriculum

A pro-life doctor has developed a curriculum challenging the widespread societal normalization of abortion with facts.

Dr. William Lile, a board-certified OB/GYN, speaker and blogger at Pro-LifeDoc.Org, has developed a curriculum designed to educate on the fact that each person is created in the image of God at the moment of conception.

“We know that the ultimate answer to ending the devastating practice of abortion is the Gospel,” Lile says of the Pro-Life Doc Curriculum.

Lile has spoken on the sanctity of human life for more than two decades, and having had many people from pregnancy help centers, churches, and pro-life organizations ask him for more information, he felt compelled to arm people with the truth about life in the womb.

He originally developed the curriculum for homeschoolers because he realized pro-life apologetics could be taught early on to his own children who are homeschooled. While it was first designed as homeschool curriculum, it is an effective tool for people involved in pregnancy help ministry to fully understand the battle at hand and specifically the medical procedures of abortion.

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The Pro-Life Doc curriculum is logic, science, and theology presented in synchronization, building a firm foundation of knowledge of life in the womb for Lile’s various audiences.

The curriculum videos are precise, medically sound and easy to follow teachings, beginning with Chapter One, “What is abortion?”

Lile demonstrates the value of being specific and detailed in describing the abortion process, in contrast to the vague and misleading language employed by the abortion lobby.

When Lile teaches about pregnancy, medical care, or abortion, he weaves in the Creator’s involvement in the design and how He values each life. Scripture is part of the curriculum and serves to emphasize the doctor’s medical points.

In 1999 Dr. Lile took over an abortion practice, having the abortionist sign a non-compete so he could no longer perform abortions in the area. It was the largest abortion center in the panhandle of Florida at the time.

All abortions stopped in the area between the border with Alabama and the city of Tallahassee at the time.

The equipment left by the abortionist now used as education tools for medical students and others on abortion methods.

“We like to take people into the OR and into labor and delivery and show how we treat the babies in the womb as patients,” Lile told Pregnancy Help News.

“We actually got the abortion equipment out and without any blood or baby parts we medically went through how a first, second, and third trimester abortion is actually performed,” he explained. “We used some simple plastic dolls with the actual tools and suction machine that is used to perform abortions.”

Lile spent the past year developing the curriculum.

In eight different video sessions on abortion, when life begins, patient rights, treatments for patients in the womb, Abortion Pill Reversal, scriptural and general pro-life apologetics are detailed, and the accompanying workbook engages participants further.

Each chapter includes thought-provoking questions for participants to write out their own conclusions to in light of the teaching. This further develops a student’s ability to argue the case for life grounded in both scientific fact and Biblical conviction.

Lile details the advances of in-womb therapies highlights further the humanity of the unborn and the complete distinction of their bodies from that of their mothers, making the child a unique person worthy of protection.

Utilizing 3D animation, Lile is able to demonstrate how today doctors are treating babies in the womb with serious ailments such as heart conditions, spina bifida, and other disorders.

Whether Lile is talking about patient rights or in-the-womb therapies, equal respect is given for the life of the mother and her child.

“In all forms of medicine, the goal is to provide high quality health care to patients,” Lile said. “In fact, most States in the U.S. have drafted a Patients Bill of Rights to ensure that each patient gets the best possible care from the medical professionals they trust.”

“Medicine preserves life,” he said. “Abortion ends it. Abortion is not health care.”  

Tweet This: Medicine preserves life. Abortion ends it. Abortion is not health care.

The conclusion of the course utilizes the Scriptures to highlight the spiritual battle which is at the heart of issue.

“Scientists can tell you what is happening during a woman’s pregnancy, but they can’t tell you why it’s happening,” Lile said. “That is because life is a miracle from God.”

Lile clarifies that intentionally vague abortion rhetoric is dangerous, but effective strategy is necessary in evangelizing on the sanctity of life.

“We don’t want the abortion debate to be whoever yells the loudest or is the most intimidating,” he said. “We really want it to be an apologetics course where people will be equipped with truth and science and facts.”

More information on Lile and his curriculum is available on his website,

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