75 abortions a week or bust, says the new abortuary
(Population Research Institute) As the hugely profitable “nonprofit” Planned Parenthood has made clear over the years, there is an awful lot of money to be made in killing babies in the womb. So it is not surprising that each and every abortion clinic strives to carry out as many executions as possible to maximize their profit.
Still, it’s a bit jolting to read about a new abortion clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico, that has set a target—what it calls a “starting goal”—of no fewer than 75 abortions a week.
This clinic in Democrat-run New Mexico has not even opened its doors yet, and it is already salivating at the prospect of the massive profits that it will make. At its projected 75 abortions a week, the new killing field will rake in an estimated $3 million a year.
Of course, in announcing its plans, the abortuary makes no mention of money. Rather, “Whole Women’s Health,” as it ridiculously styles itself, talks about providing compassionate care, claiming that “The fully bilingual clinic staff aims to create an environment that helps patients shed personal and cultural shame and stigma around abortion care.”
In other words, before the abortion, they will somehow anesthetize your conscience.
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The reason that “Whole Women’s Health” is so optimistic about its business prospects lies in neighboring Texas, whose pro-life laws have forced the closure of dozens of abortion clinics, including its own. It hopes Texas women will cross state lines to help them achieve their dead baby goal.
The new Albuquerque baby-killing business promises to end the lives of babies up to 18 weeks gestation. But this is just a start. Its ultimate goal is to carry out abortions up to 24 weeks, which of course is past the point of viability.
A spokeswoman for Texas Right to Life made clear what was really at stake:
“If Whole Woman’s Health truly cared about being compassionate toward women, the company would not lie by telling them that abortion is good and necessary. They would help women succeed in having their babies and succeed as parents or work through an adoption plan, not setting a dead baby goal. But it all makes sense when you look at the numbers … $3 million in a year.”
We all know that abortion stops a beating heart and leaves most women devastated. The abortionists at Whole Woman’s Health know this as well but, driven by greed, they go to great lengths to hide what it is they really do. Even their very name is a lie—abortion is not “health care,” and an abortion does not make a woman “whole” but empties her of the life she is carrying.
I pray that Albuquerque pro-lifers will respond by setting up a crisis pregnancy center across the street from “Whole Women’s Health.” And that sidewalk counselors will be outside the abortuary every day when the killing begins, to tell young women the truth about what “reproductive justice” or “women’s health care” really is.
If they don’t reach their killing quota—their dead baby goal—they will soon close up shop.
Because, at the end of the day, it’s all about the money.
Editor's note: Steven Mosher is president of the Population Research Institute. This article was published by Population Research Institute and is reprinted with permission.