(Life Issues Institute) Abortion advocates have said over and over that having a baby will derail a woman’s plans for college and a successful career.
According to the pro-abortion mantra, women must sacrifice the lives of their unborn children to succeed in life.
Evidence shows they couldn’t be more wrong.
Vox, a far-Left online publication, posted an article titled “5 ways abortion bans could hurt women in the workforce.” It falsely claimed that women’s professional lives will suffer greatly without access to abortion on demand until birth.
A typical antiquated attitude of the modern-day feminist is that women are incapable of a successful career if they become mothers.

Apparently, Sarah Merrill didn’t get the company memo. Sarah and her husband are the parents of nine children – five sons and four daughters. Here’s where it gets interesting. She just graduated from medical school and is attending Indiana University with her sights set on becoming a neurosurgeon, where only five percent of this select group are women.

Dr. Michele Halyard, dean of the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine where Sarah graduated, has no doubt Sarah will succeed. “If you can make it through having nine children and keep your sanity, neurosurgery residency should be a piece of cake because there’s no amount of stress that you can’t handle.”
Here’s a name you might know. Amy Coney Barrett, justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Aside from Chief Justice, there is no higher position in the judicial realm. While a professor at Notre Dame University, students voted her Teacher of the Year three times. Justice Barrett has seven children, two of them adopted from Haiti and the youngest with Down syndrome. It doesn’t appear being a mother to a large family had any detrimental effect on her judicial aspirations. She would probably say her kids enhanced them.

As a single mother, Aisha Taylor faced an arduous journey before saying yes to a very unexpected pregnancy that resulted in twins. The father of her children placed intense pressure on Aisha to abort the babies, and she nearly gave in before finding a pro-life pregnancy center brimming with staff and volunteers who loved on her and offered real, practical resources and emotional support.
Aisha has more than survived. She has thrived. The twins are now seven, and Aisha has a successful business called FNPhenomenal. Its goal is to empower single women with relevant and practical, biblically-based support and advice when facing an unexpected pregnancy.
Allyson Felix is the most decorated American track and field athlete (male or female) in Olympic history. When she became pregnant, her sponsor Nike discriminated against her by attempting to reduce her pay by 70%. There is incredible pressure on female athletes to abort their babies. Allyson has proven that motherhood isn’t fatal when it comes to joining the top echelon of world athletes. She made history and capped her athletic career while a mother at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. During her Olympic career she achieved seven gold, three silver, and one bronze for a total of 11 Olympic medals.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of a vast number of women who are quietly making their mark professionally while saying yes to life for their children. History is littered with erroneous predictions that motherhood is the kiss of death to women’s success in the professional world. Every day more and more smart, talented, and determined women are proving them wrong.
We live in an enlightened world where we can combine the rights of both the mothers and their unborn children. We can love them both.
Editor's note: Bradley Mattes is president of the Life Issues Institute. This article first appeared on the Life Issues Institute website.