Importance of pregnancy help highlighted via virtual conference

Reviving America Summit

An online conference over the summer gathered leaders from the areas of faith, family, freedom, and life in the U.S. to offer a plan for positive change.

The Reviving America Summit hosted online over five weeks featured more than two dozen Christ-centered leaders in discussions on renewing faith, family, life, liberty, and leadership. Presented by David Bereit, founder and former CEO of 40 Days for Life, the summit was geared toward leading renewal in these areas.

Heartbeat International president Jor-El Godsey was one of those featured leaders, and in his conversation with Bereit they examined pregnancy help in post-Roe America.

Godsey’s session titled, “Support Mothers: Empower Women Facing Unexpected Pregnancies,” focused on practical ways individuals and churches can be involved in pregnancy help efforts. Heartbeat International is the largest network of pregnancy help organizations in the U.S. the world.

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Bereit began the interview by having Godsey recount his personal story of becoming an advocate for life.

“I began my journey pro-choice by default and then became pro-choice by action because my girlfriend got pregnant and I facilitated that abortion with her,” Godsey said.

“We felt like it was the only path forward,” he continued, noting the relationship did not survive the experience.

Soon after Godsey began a relationship with God and while attending a church service he heard a sermon where the pastor stated, “Abortion is not a social issue. Abortion is not a political issue. Abortion is a Gospel issue.”

“I left that church fully committed,” Godsey recalled.

He was convinced that abortion is an affront to God and an affront to the Gospel. Taking part in abortion protests, Godsey was arrested twice as part of Operation Rescue demonstrations.

After that Godsey learned about pregnancy help.

“This idea of helping women not need abortions, it captured my heart,” he stated.

Abortion, Godsey noted, is on the rise in the U.S and has boldly morphed into a tourism industry. Abortion grows because of the market it represents. This trend has resulted in the increase in the coercion of women to abort.

Abortion alternatives are vital in this environment, as Godsey stated, “To help her have a hope for her baby, hope for her family.”

Expanding on the cultural shifting in the post-Dobbs era, Godsey explained how pregnancy help works on the demand side of the issue, “So she doesn’t feel the need for abortion.”

While the Guttmacher Institute reports a 10% increase in abortion since the Dobbs decision, it is incumbent upon defenders of life to examine what tactics need to change. Bereit and Godsey discussed that while our principles never change, tactics must be continually adjusted.

The LOVE Approach being utilized in pregnancy counseling is a revolutionary approach that is changing hearts and saving lives. This method was developed by former longtime Heartbeat President and Board Chair and Peggy Hartshorn and has been expanded into the ultrasound training offered by Heartbeat International.

As Godsey explained, it works off the principles found in 1 Corinthians 13, as you follow the acronym of LOVE: Listen and learn, Open options, Vision, and values, Extend and empower.

The first principle for the facilitator is to understand the need to actively listen to the woman experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. As the conversation continues you open options by providing her with the possibilities of support and resources available. Vision and values involve exploring with her the values she holds regarding family and her vision for the future. Finally, extend practical help to empower her to choose life.

As Godsey pointed out, because of this innovative, loving approach pregnancy help has been highly rated and effectively changes hearts and minds.

With 2,825 pregnancy help locations in the U.S. today, Godsey witnessed God’s work as the Bible declares when sin abounds, grace also abounds (see Romans 5:20). The sexual revolution led to the promotion of abortion and that led God’s people to step up and offer pregnancy help.

As Godsey described, pregnancy help is “warm and friendly” as the people of God offer help locally. The church needs to step into three things to support this work:

  1. Awareness of the help near you so you know where someone can get help.
  2. Affirm the local pregnancy help center through encouragement, material aid and donations.
  3. Assist the work of pregnancy help by giving your time, talent, and treasure.

Bereit encouraged listeners to keep the contact information for Heartbeat’s 24/7 bi-lingual contact center Option Line in mind to share with others and store the phone number (800-712-HELP) in individual cell phones to be able to share as well.

Godsey noted that individuals dealing with unexpected pregnancy rarely know where and what resources are available to them. Pregnancy help centers have knowledge of all the local resources and where to access services.

Bereit asked Godsey about the challenges of chemical abortion. Godsey shared the fact that it presents an opportunity in the midst of an abortion as the panic and coercion a woman can experience to take the first pill often leads to immediate regret.

The opportunity of Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) before she takes the second pill has provided more than 5,000 babies the opportunity for life. Godsey noted that 75% of the women calling into the Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN) are calling within 24 hours after taking the first pill.

They are connected with a nurse who seeks out a local doctor to care for her, Godsey noted. She is prescribed progesterone which is the same hormone produced in her own body to maintain pregnancy.

Godsey discussed the battles Heartbeat International is facing to defend APRN in the states of Colorado, California, and New York.

“Every woman should have the right to continue her pregnancy,” he added.

Godsey stated that pregnancy centers are vital because 3,000 babies are saved per week through pregnancy help.

To illustrate how this happens Godsey shared a story of one mom who entered a pregnancy help center who was planning to abort her child as this would be her second.

“If only I had a double stroller,” she told the consultant.

At the time there weren’t any double strollers in the center’s baby boutique, but the volunteer said, “Let’s pray about this.” As they prayed a double stroller was donated. This gave the mom the courage to choose life.

Godsey concluded that God’s faithfulness is demonstrated as His people step up and ask, “How can I help?”

Tweet This: How should we respond when someone says, “I’m pregnant”? Say congratulations then listen to her and open up her options.

How should we respond when someone says, “I’m pregnant”? Godsey asked, “Say congratulations then listen to her and open up her options.”

Seven out of 10 women who choose abortion report that if just one person would have given her support, she would choose life.

Illustrating further, Godsey said, “The very best alternative to abortion is another person.”

Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News. Heartbeat is currently the subject of two lawsuits brought by two state AGs concerning sharing information about Abortion Pill Reversal.

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