Fledgling pro-life coffee company raises tens of thousands for pregnancy centers in 2022

Fledgling pro-life coffee company raises tens of thousands for pregnancy centers in 2022

The pro-life coffee company that raises money for pregnancy centers has reached a milestone in raising funds for pregnancy help. 

Since kicking off in the fall of 2021 Seven Weeks Coffee has raised and donated an astounding $75,000-plus to pregnancy centers across the country.

“This has truly been an amazing way to benefit pregnancy centers across the country,” said founder Anton Krecic. “We are so happy to be a partner for life!”

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Krecic grew up in Cleveland where he first learned about pregnancy centers through a church internship.

Visiting a local center, Krecic was impressed by their work. 

Four years ago, when he moved to Washington D.C. his plan was to get involved in the political process because he wanted to promote faith-based values in government. 

“As I began a career in the political area, two things became obvious about values in Washington,” he said. “Godly principles are lacking on both sides of the aisle, and many organizations put profits before people.”  

Photo courtesy of Seven Weeks Coffee

Now married, Krecic felt a pull towards the pro-life movement. 

He began thinking of ways to make an impact, specifically for pregnancy centers.  He researched fundraising efforts and found that there was no major effort to promote life through coffee.

With coffee being so popular, Krecic and his wife decided on a coffee company that would raise money for pregnancy centers. 

“I’m a Christian; I’m a conservative; so of course I’m pro-life,” he said. “This is a way to support our pro-life pregnancy centers with every cup. The true measure of our success is found in our commitment to promote Godly values, provide excellent coffee, and to protect every beating heart.”

Krecic wanted to try and find a way to tie the mission in to the meaning and purpose behind the business and its name. 

His wife, a nurse, was curious about when in an unborn baby’s gestation that the child is the size of a coffee bean. Krecic found the answer: a seven-week unborn child is the size of a coffee bean, rapidly growing at a rate of 250,000 cells per minute. It’s also the point at which a heartbeat is clearly detected on an ultrasound.

 Tweet This: A seven-week unborn child is the size of a coffee bean, rapidly growing at a rate of 250,000 cells per minute.

 “So, I was like, that’s the name - Seven Weeks Coffee,” Krecic said. “That’s what we’re going to call the company.”

There were just a few pregnancy centers on board at first. Word started to spread with faith-based and conservative media sharing the story. Seven Weeks Coffee manned tables at churches and conferences and performed social networking. 

The plan from day one was to give 10% of all coffee sales to pregnancy centers.  The idea was simple. A pregnancy center partners with Seven Weeks Coffee, receives a unique link, and then shares that link for ordering coffee on their website, in their newsletter, among donors, at events, etc. Ten percent of every sale through that link is donated directly to the center. 

The coffee comes from small farms in the Sidama region of Ethiopia. It’s ultra-low acid, pesticide and mold free, and organically farmed, plus the farmers themselves benefit because of direct trade sourcing. Seven Weeks farms are paid double the rate of fair-trade requirements.

Photo courtesy of Seven Weeks Coffee

Let Them Live is a Ft. Wayne, Indiana pregnancy center that is grateful for the sale of Seven Weeks Coffee that benefited their work in 2022. 

Co-Founder and President Emily Berning shared her appreciation with Pregnancy Help News. 

“We love partnering with Seven Weeks Coffee,” she said. “We promoted our partnership on our social media as well as to our existing donor base by email. We remind our donors of the partnership every so often, especially around holidays, and we regularly post about it on our social media.”

“The money has gone towards financially supporting our moms and towards our counseling program,” Berning said. “It is definitely worth doing.”

In Albany, New York, the Alpha Pregnancy Care Center is also the recipient of funds from Seven Weeks Coffee sales.

Business Manager Meaghan Sindoni is enthusiastic about the new fundraising partnership. 

“It has truly been a pleasure to work with Seven Weeks Coffee and such an amazing thing to see how the Lord has blessed Anton's business as he endeavors to support centers like ours across the country,” she said. 

Sindoni discovered Seven Weeks Coffee about a year ago when an ad happened to pop up on her personal social media. 

She contacted the business and quickly became a partner, she said. They promoted the partnership via email, social media posts, and at their banquet. They provided samples of Seven Weeks Coffee for their banquet attendees, and it was a great way to encourage donors to support the business. 

“Many people remark how great the coffee is,” said Sindoni. 

“The additional funds we've brought in through our ongoing partnership with Seven Weeks Coffee have gone into our general fund,” she said. “However, it has helped boost our income to allow us to comfortably increase our marketing efforts to help reach women facing unplanned pregnancies and considering abortion, especially due to lack of resources.”

Pregnancy centers can visit the organization’s website to inquire into partnering with Seven Weeks Coffee.


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