Gayle Irwin
Gayle M. Irwin is an award-winning author and freelance writer living in Wyoming. She’s been recognized by Wyoming Writers, Inc. and the Wyoming Press Association for several of her works. She’s contributed short stories to eight Chicken Soup for the Soul books and crafts dog books with inspiring messages for children. For nearly 13 years, Gayle worked as Patient Resources Director at True Care Women’s Resource Center, a pro-life pregnancy medical resource center in Casper, Wyoming. In addition to her children’s stories, she authors devotions and a series of sweet, inspirational romance books that weave pet rescue and adoption into the story. “Gayle is part of the annual Books4Babies anthology, a collection of sweet and Christian romance stories released during the holiday season with sales donated to pro-life pregnancy centers. She considers herself a human and pet life advocate and finds creativity and connection in God’s creation. Learn more about Gayle on her website: gaylemirwin.com.