Struggling with a Past Abortion? Here are 4 Resources to Help.

Struggling with a Past Abortion? Here are 4 Resources to Help.

As the Center for Medical Progress released its eighth undercover video further exposing Planned Parenthood's for-profit, high-"volume" sale of fetal body parts Tuesday morning, more and more women (and men) could be faced with reminders of personal experiences with abortion. As important as these videos are to open the eyes and hearts of the American people, they also have the potential to open wounds that are not completely healed.

Fortunately, the pregnancy help movement knows about the need for post-abortion healing, and have been providing programs and resources for years. In fact, 78 percent of the nearly 2,000 Heartbeat International affiliates have post-abortive healing ministries. They range from individual counseling to weekend retreats to long-term Bible studies, but each and every one of them is based on forgiveness, love, and compassion. 

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If you or someone you know is struggling to heal from the pain of a past abortion, please make use of the resources below. Healing and hope are waiting for you. 

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1. Immediate Counseling

Sometimes, you just need help immediately. When the pain of an abortion is simply overwhelming, calling Option Line or Hope for the Heart connects a woman directly to a trained consultant who can provide a listening ear, and sound advice. These resources are key not only for reaching women exactly where they are, but helping them to find a place for ongoing healing. 

2. Abortion Healing Resources

In these resources, there is training for counselors, as well as stories of healing and hope from women who have experienced abortions. Most of all, they emphasize the incredible mercy of God.

3. Abortion Healing Retreat Opportunities

When a woman is ready to face the pain of a past abortion and seek healing, a retreat or Bible study is a great next step. Women all over the world have experienced healing through the work of organizations like Project Rachel and Rachel's Vineyard. 

4. National Advocacy 

For those women who have found healing and are now searching for a way to share that healing, joining the awareness campaign Silent No More is worth considering. These women advocate for an end to legal abortion by revealing that abortion is not the quick fix that so many say it is. Simply sharing your story could change another's heart and mind about her abortion decision. 

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