Pregnancy center gives clients material assistance, offers Christ as well

Pregnancy center gives clients material assistance, offers Christ as well (Rod Long/Unsplash)

Like many pregnancy help centers, Fort Worth Pregnancy Center (FWPC) offers material help for women facing unplanned pregnancies. This includes everything from pregnancy testing to ultrasounds and prenatal classes. 

But the support offered to clients goes beyond merely meeting physical needs to offering spiritual help as well, with hundreds introduced to Christ.

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“The best thing we can do for a family and a preborn baby is to lead that mom (and dad) to the Lord,” said Development Director Jamie Bryant. “The resources and services we offer may help change circumstances, but a relationship with God is life-transforming.” 

Tweet This: “The resources and services we offer may help change circumstances, but a relationship with God is life-transforming.”

“Also, once a client has invited the Lord into her heart, the Holy Spirit will continue to minister life to her long after she leaves our center,” she added.

In preparation for helping clients, center staff and volunteer advocates go through “The Invitation”—a training seminar with Christian pro-life outreach Mission Pre-born that teaches a “God-centered strategy” for introducing clients to the Lord. Centers that utilize Pre-born’s training have some of the highest percentages of clients who come to know Christ as Savior. In 2018 alone, centers who implemented their training saw 4,254 clients receive Christ.

Since Fort Worth Pregnancy Center’s inception, staff and volunteers have introduced more than 1,300 clients and their partners to Christ. In 2019 alone, they shared the Gospel with their clients 665 times and saw 106 men and women place their trust in Christ.

On one particularly memorable afternoon, two client advocates for FWPC—Karen and Gary—had the opportunity to shepherd two couples closer to the Lord. Three among them placed their trust in Christ and one recommitted his life.

Christy and Cody*

When Christy and Cody walked into FWPC, Karen met with Christy while Gary talked to her boyfriend Cody. Christy admitted she had some faith in God but didn’t really know what she believed about Him. This opened the door for Karen to share the Gospel. Christy responded, “Well, that makes sense,” and then prayed the salvation prayer.

Meanwhile, Gary talked to Cody separately. Cody admitted that he had grown up Catholic but wasn’t sure where he stood with God. That afternoon Cody recommitted his life to Christ, and together, Christy and Cody made several life decisions, including deciding to get married, asking for church recommendations, joining prenatal classes and starting daily Bible devotional together.

Paula and Ayan*

Later that same afternoon, Karen met with Paula and Gary met with Paula’s boyfriend Ayan. Paula asked several questions about the Gospel. After sharing God’s salvation plan, Karen asked Paul if she wanted to trust Christ as her Savior. Paula immediately answered in the affirmative.

Ayan told Gary that he grew up Muslim but wasn’t currently practicing, though he felt like he should. Gary asked permission to share the Gospel. To Gary’s surprise, Ayan told him he wanted to trust Christ!

Going forward, Fort Worth Pregnancy Center hopes to increase the number of clients who hear the Gospel through formalizing its fatherhood program and providing more structured support and counsel to new dads. 

“This will undoubtedly lead to more sharing of the gospel as well, and we are anticipating that we can increase our evangelism and decisions for Christ by another 30% in 2020,” concluded Bryant.

To learn more about Fort Worth Pregnancy Center or to get involved visit 

For more information about The Invitation Training visit

(*Client names changed to protect privacy)

Editor's note: Heartbeat International and its affiliates serve without clients regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability, or other arbitrary circumstances in keeping with Heartbeat's Commitment of Care and Competence. Pregnancy Help News is a project of Heartbeat International.

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