This was the herald of joy and admiration for Life Charity's 50th anniversary celebrated this past August. In a year of much turmoil, they certainly had cause to celebrate the many women, men and organizations that partner with and are served by them.
Here’s a review of Life Charity's numbers, presented in a "re-lyricized" rendition of “Seasons of Love” from the stage play Rent, if you want to sing along…
One million, twenty-five thousand students who know
Twelve thousand mums and babies in their own homes
One hundred and forty mums who reached out and spoke
How do you measure a charity’s dote?
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Perhaps lyrics are better left to the professionals - but when it comes to “doting” on mums and babies Life Charity based in the United Kingdom has been doing it for a very long time. They took the opportunity this last August to specifically call out the various aspects of their ongoing good works and thank those who bring Life Charity to … well… LIFE.
Here’s to the mums and their babies
To the mums: Thank you for your courage. Thank you for allowing us to help you. Thank you for bringing life into the world.
To the babies: Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for all the good you brought to the world.
Here’s to the speakers and the listeners
To the speakers: Thank you for telling people about their intrinsic dignity -- and that of the unborn child. Thank you for telling them about Life’s services so they can choose a better way. }
To the listeners: Thank you for listening. Thank you for considering. Thank you for being open-minded. And thank you for taking action.
Here’s to the advocates
Thank you for tirelessly speaking up. Thank you for taking a stand. And thank you for your principled, brave action.
Here’s to the supporters and the volunteers
To the supporters: Thank you for making all this possible.
To the volunteers: Thank you for selflessly giving you time to our shared vision.
Here’s to the founders
Thank you founders for your courage and vision. Millions of lives have been changed because of it.
Professor Jack Scarisbrick, a historian who taught at Warwick University in the UK, began Life Charity in 1970 as a response to the Abortion Act of 1967. Affecting Great Britain (Scotland, England and Wales) the legislation made legal abortions more readily accessible to women. Life Charity was created as an alternative to crisis pregnancy decisions.
As the first pro-life organization in the UK (acknowledging Northern Ireland’s joining the Act in 2020) it engineered and successfully implemented a two-part approach by opposing abortion and providing “viable long-term alternatives.”
To the former part, political activism takes a backseat to the charity’s Pregnancy Matters services which offer women free pregnancy testing, confidential counselling, skilled listening and practical help. Accommodations are also included as a means of support. In the 1970s Life houses were originally opened as a response to requests from women facing homelessness if they continued with their pregnancies. Now a wide variety of homes are offered to pregnant women, single mothers of small children, and families facing hardship.
Life Charity is radically informed by the principle of respect for the lives of all human beings. This includes the born and unborn, of any age. Life Matters officers spread the mission of Life and educate students on situations relevant to respecting the dignity of life at all stages covering not just abortion but also euthanasia, embryo experimentation, assisted reproduction, sex and relationships.
As the New Year brings a new season of life, let us “remember the love…” given by Life Charity, and join them in the ongoing celebration for 50 years of action!