JorEl Godsey
U.S. OB-GYN association will not debate; says abortion as health care is “settled science”
U.S. pregnancy centers conduct 3M+ client visits in Dobbs era, delivering $350M+ in services and goods: report
U.S. pregnancy help leaders refute abortion industry false accusations, urge Google to remain neutral in abortion debate
United for Life, Heartbeat looks toward 2024 Annual Conference
Venerable “visionary” pregnancy help leader enters into eternal life
Warren's "absurd narrative" about pregnancy centers is imagined; Heartbeat responds
What would a post-Roe world look like for pregnancy help centers?
While life suffered a loss in Ohio, pregnancy help continues
Wide-ranging directory hits milestone in connecting the world of pregnancy help
With FDA chemical abortion case at hand amid continued push for pills, pregnancy help advocates focus on safety
Withholding information from doctors about abortion pill use is dangerous
Women are strong, capable, don’t need abortion – Worldwide network of pregnancy help weighs in on key Supreme Court case
Women can achieve their dreams while being a mother - Another mom honored with Unplanned Movie Scholarship
Women don’t need abortion - Heartbeat on the ground as SCOTUS hears Dobbs
‘Big Abortion won’: Ohio voters add abortion to state constitution
‘Hiding life-saving solutions from women’ - Facebook takes down Heartbeat International’s abortion pill reversal page
‘We know that you have valuable insight” - Heartbeat issues call for pregnancy help conference presenters
- “A false idea” that the medical community has deemed mifepristone safe and effective – Heartbeat weighs in on SCOTUS case
“A step in the right direction” – Heartbeat leaders laud Fifth Circuit’s reining in of chemical abortion drugs
“Against actual choice” - Heartbeat president on assaults leveled at pregnancy help