JorEl Godsey
International pregnancy help organizations shown love at Heartbeat Annual Conference
- Is Biden’s HHS targeting pregnancy centers for their pro-life mission? Pro-life Congress Members weigh in.
Joy, excitement, connection – Annual Pregnancy Help Conference “everything we prayed for and more”
Laredo Life Pregnancy Center re-launched thanks to Heartbeat, other pro-life groups
Lauding her “unmatched dedication and wisdom,” Heartbeat honors departing longtime VP
March for Life conversations; chemical abortion, pro-life excitement for Roe to end
Montana voters reject law requiring medical care for infants post-birth
Most Americans are against unlimited abortion: Poll
New attack strategy, same lies
New Illinois abortion law puts minor girls at risk
- New poll shows 83% of Americans “strongly support” pregnancy help centers
- New report: “Abortion politics actively making women less safe”
Ohio abortion levels dip, but Issue 1 could create new spike
Onward and on track to break records, Heartbeat conference gears up
Onward: There’s more for the pregnancy help movement to do; Heartbeat president
Politics, profit before women’s health – Biden FDA’s abandonment of safety standards for dangerous abortion drugs nets pro-life reproach
Pregnancy help advocates discuss life-giving abortion pill reversal on radio broadcast
Pregnancy help movement to be United for Life at Heartbeat conference
Pregnancy help network fires back on Dem senators’ privacy policy inquiries
Pregnancy help partnerships save babies across the world