JorEl Godsey
Contraceptives and pregnancy help organizations
Dear Ohio …
Emptying lives and wallets: Abortionists charge for services offered for free at pregnancy centers
Essential - Looking forward after 50 years of pregnancy help
Exposing abortion extremists: The Protect Pregnancy Care Centers Act of 2022
First Heartbeat Conference since the fall of Roe is set to “Breakthrough”
Five Servant Leaders lauded for decades of pregnancy help ministry at Heartbeat Conference
Focus on the Family again set to celebrate, ‘see’ life
Following Dobbs life states have potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives
Heartbeat adds critical telecare discussion to Annual Pregnancy Help Conference
- Heartbeat goes to Australia
Heartbeat International co-founder, pioneer in the pregnancy help movement, dies
Heartbeat International, others labeled “anti-gender” by pro-abortion European Parliamentary group
Heartbeat International’s Pregnancy Help Appreciation Week celebrates generations of service from the pregnancy help movement
Heartbeat welcomes “respected,” “caring” pregnancy help leader as new VP of Ministry Services
Heartbeat's Life Launch now making unprecedented pregnancy help available to more than 1.5 million individuals
Heartbeat, others to celebrate historic Dobbs anniversary; “still much work to be done”
Here is where any pregnant woman can go for real help and support
House Democrats vote to codify Roe, quash federal and state-level pro-life laws
House Passes Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, condemns attacks on pregnancy centers