JorEl Godsey
“Bold champion for life” takes the reins at life-saving APR Network
“Disturbing” increase in attacks on pregnancy help centers from June to July; survey
“Forever inspired by her courage and leadership” – Honoring the late, “great” Carol Clews
“God is bigger than Google” – pregnancy help persists amid tech suppression, heartbeat law fallout
“Incredible impact” - Heartbeat of Toledo’s more than 50-year legacy honored
“Invaluable,” “essential” pregnancy support recognized in New South Wales
“It's a different day when you can see the fruit of pregnancy help coming back”- Heartbeat International president on EWTN
“It’s been a great connection” - Heartbeat reaches across miles with Virtual "Breakthrough" Conference
“Mifepristone should have never been approved, the FDA overstepped"
“Miracles walking among us” – Abortion Pill Rescue up to 3K lives saved
“Our team supplied evidence that we love and care for women” – Heartbeat, APR targeted by big abortion allies
“Overwhelmed with emotion” – Longtime Heartbeat International leader reflects on learning about Dobbs decision
“Pregnancy is not a serious illness” – federal appeals court grills attorneys in FDA abortion pill case
“See Life” videos lead to live event, highlight benefit of pregnancy help centers
“Steadfast leadership, speaking softly with power, poise, and purpose” - Heartbeat remembers Freda Bush
“The future of medicine looks bright” – Pro-life medical professionals gather, hear about chemical abortion, APR
- “The reality is that Abortion Pill Reversal is saving lives” – Heartbeat takes babies and APR to Congress
“Very dark responses to championing the light of life” - Heartbeat issues unprecedented safety advisory
- “We are the United States of America - not the United States of Abortion” – Heartbeat weighs in as abortion drug maker challenges pro-life law.
- “We celebrate each of these children” – APRN marks 5K lives saved