“Mama L” - A pregnancy help story

“Mama L” - A pregnancy help story

A 19-year-old Colorado woman saw a positive pregnancy test and was hit with anxiety. At her age, she was in no way prepared to be a mother. 

She informed her boyfriend, who was the same age as her. Together, they made the decision to walk into a local Planned Parenthood location. 

The woman’s boyfriend began to apply pressure for her to abort the child, and in the end, she found herself talked into accepting the abortion pill.

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With the first pill in her system, the two went home. And, through a very unlikely act by the abortion giant, she had been given an ultrasound photo—which she took home with her. 

In the back of her mind, the young woman kept telling herself that if she was keeping the photo, then ultimately in her heart she wanted to keep the baby.

Later that night, the woman and her boyfriend were lying in bed together. He turned to her and asked if she was sure she didn’t want to keep the baby. 

The question excited her, as she knew she wanted to keep it and now sensed regret within him as well. 

The couple quickly began researching, and they learned about abortion pill reversal at their local pregnancy help center. 

Tweet This: The couple quickly began researching, and they learned about abortion pill reversal at their local pregnancy help center

And the reversal worked. 

The young woman’s pregnancy was able to continue, and she is expected to deliver a completely healthy baby boy.

This is the story of a woman known to the public only as “Mama L.” It was shared on Twitter from Christine Yeargin, host of the Speak Out podcast from Students for Life of America. 

 Yeargin shared an image of Mama L on social media, where she continues to demonstrate how the pro-life movement also cares about moms after the birth of the child they decide to keep. Yeargin said she held a baby registry for “Mama L,” that went out to her nearly 58,000 Instagram followers. 

“I’ll share the story and do a baby registry,” she said, “and I'll add the car seat, the crib, the stroller, a year’s worth of diapers and wipes, and then a year’s worth of clothes.” 

On top of that, Yeargin asked requested other items for Mama L and others, like bath wash, booties, swaddles, sheets for the crib, a glider if they need it, a changing table if they need it.

“Anything that’s tangible that they need to start on the right foot with motherhood, we buy for them,” she said. 

“The registries fill in about 45 minutes,” said Yeargin. “The first one we did took 24 hours, but now they fill in 45 minutes. And then I get messages from women saying, ‘It filled too fast, can you add more?’”

The generosity of strangers to women they will never meet is extraordinary. It shows how women like the Mama L and others facing an unplanned pregnancy need only reach out for love and support, and the pregnancy help community will be there for them.

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