This Mother’s Day, we must pray for life to be valued

Bahamas GodParent Center

I don’t believe that there is anyone who has seen an image like the one above and thought anything other than, “Ohhhh, It’s a baby!”

Yet, in the same breath there are those who believe that these very little human beings, encased in their mother’s womb deserve to die by ‘an abortion.

The very nature of this human life has been devalued.

This Executive Director has been on both sides of this issue and today, Tuesday May 7, 2024, especially my heart breaks for the mother who dumped her baby.

Unfortunately, we have been taught that circumstances should decide what we do in deciding whether a child lives or not. I am here to say that a heart beating in a child in the womb denotes life and we should value it no matter the situation.

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Our work strives to love mother, father, and baby; even if they determine that they won’t do life together. A baby deserves both parents in their lives. And a woman deserves the opportunity to give her child life.

My friends, as I sit here writing this letter, I am heartbroken by how we, the world, "the Imago Dei," have gotten this desensitized to the value of human life. We who are called to be the image-bearers of our Saviour and our God. We have come to a point in history where we have allowed the world's outcry to be louder and more powerful than our upholding of truth.

Just because a subject causes discomfort to others or us, that does not negate what the truth of what the Bible says.

Every life is valued by God the Father and should be valued and protected by those who name His name also.

Tweet This: Every life is valued by God the Father and should be valued and protected by those who name His name also.

We are called to be a voice for the voiceless, the weakest amongst us. We cannot and should not close our eyes and ears to the destruction of the image bearers, whether it is the child in the womb, the mother carrying the child or the father who is clueless about his rights and responsibility.

We must teach the truth of the scriptures to those that are lost, to those who name the name of Christ but need knowledge of truth.

We firmly believe that every woman deserves compassionate care and support, regardless of her circumstances, and that she should have access to comprehensive information and resources to make informed choices about her pregnancy. No woman should ever feel forced to complete an abortion she no longer wants nor consents to.

Tweet This: We believe that every woman deserves compassionate care and support, and access to information to make informed choices about her pregnancy.

There is a perversion of all that God has instituted.

Pray with me for a call to repentance.

Pray for a voice to stand up around the world from our churches - not the buildings but the people.

Pray with me for courageous leaders to speak truth without fear.

Pray with me for the support of our brothers and sisters who are valiantly in the fight.

Editor’s note: Rhonda Darville is the founder and Executive Director of Bahamas GodParent Center on Nassau, Bahamas. This article was sent to the Center’s supporters and is reprinted with permission.

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