Pro-life watchdog group gives women a voice to report harm from abortion businesses

The Client Safety Initiative/Center for Client Safety

A new outreach program is set to assist women in reporting ill-treatment by the abortion industry.

“Every day, women are experiencing mistreatment at the hands of abortion providers -- from violations of their basic rights to serious injury,” a release from the Center for Client Safety said. “Our goal is to empower women to report the harm that has been done to them. To stand up for their rights and help prevent other women from being mistreated by abortion businesses.”

The Center for Client Safety, formerly Reprotection, collaborates with local pro-life advocates to investigate, report on, and close down dangerous abortion providers, according to the group’s website, with the goal of making every community abortion-free. The Center for Client Safety offers training for pro-life advocates to identify, document, and report violations in their communities.

The group said pregnancy centers and sidewalk counselors have been asking for a way to get its information into the hands of the women they serve, prompting The Client Safety Initiative.

The Client Safety Initiative/Center for Client Safety

The new initiative will provide postcards to sidewalk counselors and pregnancy center personnel that they can give to clients. The postcards will direct the women to a new website with a confidential reporting form they can complete to report their experiences.

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Reprotection became the Center for Client Safety in October 2023, the new moniker emphasizing the organization’s mission of protecting vulnerable women and children from harm by abortion businesses.

In just three years the Center for Client Safety has facilitated the closing of two abortion facilities, prevented the opening of two others, and stopped three abortionists from practicing, along with securing fines and disciplinary actions taken against three abortion facilities. In 2023 the group investigated 25 cases across 25 states.

When they succeed in shutting down an abortion facility, the Center for Client Safety estimate about 12,000 preborn lives are spared, along with the thousands of women who will not be injured or killed at the hands of unsafe abortion providers.

The Client Safety Initiative provides free assistance to women who have had negative experiences at abortion facilities by helping them submit complaints to state and federal oversight agencies.

“Our aim is to help you hold clinics and physicians accountable who failed to prioritize your safety and well-being,” the new site tells visitors. “Your experiences are valid, and you are not alone.”

Tweet This: “Our aim is to help you hold clinics and physicians accountable who failed to prioritize your safety and well-being.”

The Center for Client Safety is clear in that the initiative does not offer legal or medical advice, rather, the effort is to hold facilities and physicians accountable who fail to prioritize patient safety and well-being.

Center for Client Safety President and CEO Missy Martinez-Stone points to creating a safe environment for women to report as key to the group’s success.

She contrasted this with the conventional idea of connecting women with attorneys to report medical malpractice.

“That is not what we do,” Martinez-Stone said. “When they hear ‘attorneys’ or ‘lawsuits’ they get freaked out.”

“We are saying, we will work with you and file a complaint,” she told Pregnancy Help News. “So, it is a lot more accessible to them.”

The Client Safety Initiative/Center for Client Safety

The Client Safety Initiative website explains the process:

Once we receive a report, our team will review it and respond within 5 business days. If we can determine a complaint can be submitted, we will offer you options for the next steps in holding the abortion clinic accountable for the harm you experienced. This can include submitting complaints to state medical boards or other regulatory agencies.

The Center for Client Safety stresses that this process does not constitute a lawsuit and requires limited involvement from the complainant. It goes on to confirm to women they will be updated on the status of their complaint with the Center for Client Safety alongside them every step of the way. If they change their mind at any point, that's okay, and personal information disclosed remains private either way.

“We're here to help you,” the group emphasizes.

More information on the Center for Client Safety is available HERE, and information on The Client Safety Initiative can be found HERE.

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