A common thought for many women facing unexpected pregnancy is, “I can’t do this with all that I have happening in my life.”
This was the case for Wendy Chavarria in North Carolina last fall. Wendy spoke to Pregnancy Help News by phone recently and shared her story of discovering the Abortion Pill Reversal Network.
The single mom of a 10-year-old daughter had discovered she was pregnant around six weeks gestation. She took some time to grapple with this unplanned pregnancy.
“I was thinking, ‘I'm a single mom already. I will soon be out of a job. I have a lot of financial issues and family issues. There’s a lot of things going on. I can’t do this on top of everything else,’” Wendy said.
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At nine-and-a-half weeks, Wendy called an abortion clinic in her area and made an appointment to get the abortion pill. She took the first pill that day, a Saturday.
The next day she decided to go to church. Wendy had started attending worship services at a church a month prior to becoming pregnant. She said she was struggling with a lot of family issues and was needing some “spiritual support.” That Sunday Wendy had a supernatural encounter as she sat in the service.
In a written testimony, she shared with Pregnancy Help News:
“(I) prayed to God to please guide and help me make the right choices, I told him I wholeheartedly trusted him and wanted to do right. As soon as the service ended and I walked out, I felt my chest tightened and I was overwhelmed with so much anxiety, all I could do was cry as I walked to my car and I immediately started regretting my decision and it was in that moment I felt God telling me to keep my baby.”
Wendy’s mind began to go back to the morning when she drove to the clinic. She recalled a van-like vehicle, she said, that had words on it describing the opportunity to reverse abortion. She couldn’t remember the name or the phone number printed on the side.
She called the clinic, hoping they could direct her. When she mentioned the need to reverse the abortion pill, the person on the phone told her it was impossible.
“They told me ‘You already took the first pill. It cannot be reversed. If anything, you can go to the emergency room,’” said Wendy.
Her heart sank.
“I felt really bad, hopeless,” she said. “I experienced every bad emotion. I was shaking. I said, ‘God, no. This is not it.’”
Wendy began to search on her phone for help. She found the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) hotline and called it.
“It felt like I saw a light,” she said.
The APR operator told her that there was hope for her pregnancy and that someone would call her back to see her that day. Wendy said she was nervous as time passed. It was an hour-and-a-half later and her phone rang. A nurse named Janet from Gate Pregnancy Resource Center was on the other side of the phone and told her she could meet her at their center. Eighteen minutes later, someone unlocked the doors to the closed office.
“This was on a Sunday,” Wendy said, “And it wasn’t open. But they opened it for me. The nurse was coming from church when I talked to her.”
Another staff member did paperwork with Wendy and tried to help her calm down.
Wendy said she was filled with anxiety and crying. The other staff member talked to her about her faith. She gave her a Bible and asked Wendy if she ever made a commitment to Jesus. Though Wendy had attended church, she said she never made such a commitment. They prayed together and she accepted Jesus as her Savior.
Then she had her ultrasound, which revealed a heartbeat, and Wendy was given progesterone immediately. Wendy was sent home with a seven-day supply of progesterone and returned a week later.
“I was still so nervous,” she said. “I asked if there would be birth defects.” The nurse told her the baby was fine and they could see the baby moving on the screen.
Wendy enrolled in a program at the center for support during her pregnancy. The center referred her to an OB/GYN.

Her son Isaac was born in June of this year.
“I am truly blessed, I know God walked with me throughout this pregnancy,” said Wendy. “He made it possible for my baby to come into this world, I know it is His will. I am forever thankful for this program who saved my sanity and my baby’s life.”
Wendy now attends the same church as her nurse Janet. She said she is thankful for APR and the Gate Pregnancy Resource Center.
“My son is very loved,” Wendy said. “I’m very grateful to Janet. I feel like this was all meant to be.”
“I tell him every day,” she added, “‘You’re a blessing. You are supposed to be here.’”
Tweet This: My son is very loved. I’m very grateful to APRN nurse Janet. I feel like this was all meant to be - mom whose chemical abortion wasreversed
Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) and Pregnancy Help News. Heartbeat is currently the subject of two lawsuits broght by state AGs concerning sharing information about APR.