MSI Reproductive Choices
- Abortion activists worried pro-life policies will keep African women from getting contraception
Abortion in disguise
Abortion provider Marie Stopes International changes name to hide links with eugenics
African social activist speaks out against US return to targeting developing nations with abortion funding
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gives grants to journalists to run pro-abortion articles in European media outlets
Complications arising from ‘DIY’ home abortions massively underreported, new data suggests
Doctor banned from providing abortion reversal treatment takes legal challenge to High Court in England
Doctor banned from saving babies’ lives
Former international abortion worker appointed as an Executive Director for SPUC
International Planned Parenthood plan to sue UK Govt for cuts to abortion funding
Patient defends UK doctor being punished for helping women, saving babies from chemical abortion
UK doctors warned against reporting illegal abortions
Western nations accused of ‘neo-colonialism’ as they try to impose abortion on Africa during pandemic
“They had absolutely no evidence” - UK APR doc cleared of false charges