Celebrating all fathers, including FOBs

Celebrating all fathers, including FOBs (Pixabay/Pexels)

In the pregnancy help world, we often use the acronym FOB for “father of baby.”

The FOB can be someone who’s out of the picture even before an unintended pregnancy is discovered. This may be the case because of how the pregnancy occurred, or it may be because the FOB just had no interest beyond that moment.

The FOB may be very much involved – in the background that is. He could be unraveling the courage the mother of his child has mustered to carry their baby by pressuring her to abort.

Less common is the FOB who hopes to be a dad and is very much championing his baby, even in the face of the mother’s doubts or outright abortion determination.

We may be tempted to only see one of these as a father. But, in fact, they all are. Even those that don’t accept the title or its calling. God has willed it through His law of nature and how He orchestrates the unique creation of a brand-new human being.

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Father’s Day, the U.S. holiday that takes place each year on the third Sunday in June, is a perfect reminder to take time to honor all fathers.


Some of those are not biological fathers, but those who fathered, nonetheless.

Some of those are biological fathers who accepted the responsibility to a degree and maintained contact and positive input.

And, yes, we should also be mindful of the fathers who started the journey of a new life even though they didn’t stay around. While we may not “honor” them, we should still remember their part in God’s creative process.

God uses many ways to accomplish His creation. He uses different traits and talents, different heights and hair colors, and different environments. He makes a way up to the mountaintop and through the wilderness. He leads beside still waters and comforts in the storm.

On Father’s Day, we are thankful for God the Father and His creative power for each of us.

And we take a moment to recognize the value of each FOB, however, they have participated in God’s good work of life.

And, of course, we celebrate those who did more than just father (bear) a child. We take the moment of this one-day holiday to honor and bless those fathers and dads that have poured themselves, to any degree, into the life, or lives, of a precious Gift of Life.

In honoring them, we honor the Giver of Life Himself.

Tweet This: The U.S. holiday Father’s Day is a perfect reminder to take time to honor all fathers, because in honoring them, we honor God.

Editor's note: Heartbeat International manages Pregnancy Help News.

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